Page 30 of The Other Brother

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The image of Tanner’s crestfallen face leaving the bakery today plagued my mind. Who was going to help him through everything that was about to happen? More importantly, why did I care?

“Did I say something to upset you?”

I offered Gabe a reassuring smile. “No. I’m just getting full.”

“Me, too.” He patted his stomach. “Do you have any room for dessert?”

I shook my head. I just wanted to go home.

Gabe paid the bill, refusing again to let me chip in. Then, we climbed into his Jeep.

“I don’t want our night to end. Do you want to come back to my house?” he asked. “My parents will be home, but we can go in the basement and watch a movie or something.”

“I’m actually super tired from work today, and I have class early tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. No problem.”

A silence fell over us as he drove back to my apartment, and I was fine with that. I stared out the window until we pulled into the parking lot of my complex.

Gabe put the car in park and turned to face me in his seat. “You get your cast off this week, don’t you?”

“On Tuesday.”

“I bet you’re excited to be free of that thing.”

“You have no idea.”

He leaned in, brushing his thumb across my cheek. “I’ve been thinking about you since that night at the lake.”

“You have?”

“I have.” His eyes fell to my lips.

I had a choice to make, and I had to make it fast. I could let him kiss me, and fool him into thinking I felt the same way he did. Maybe I would enjoy it. Maybe it would get Tanner off my mind. But I couldn’t do that to Gabe.

I pressed my hand gently against his chest. “Gabe …”

He stopped advancing and nodded as if he understood. “Am I moving too quickly for you, or are you just not interested?”

I paused before answering, unsure of what exactly I wanted to say. “I think you’re cute and sweet, and I like hanging out with you.”

“That’s good.” He wore a hopeful smile.

“But I’d like to be your friend.” I looked down at my lap. “I don’t have very many of those around here.”

Gabe lifted my chin with his finger. “You’ve got me, Charlotte. I hear you, and I won’t try to kiss you again. That is, not unless you decide you want me to.”

A small smile touched my lips, knowing in my heart that I never would.



The bell sounded as I walked into the bakery. Every morning this week, I’d come for coffee and a doughnut. I hadn’t tried to call or text. I didn’t even talk to her when I paid for my breakfast. I’d ask for what I wanted, she’d hand me my change, and then I’d leave. I was a masochist, torturing myself by seeing the girl I liked so much, even though I knew I couldn’t have her. The worst part was that my heart skipped a beat at the mere sight of her, yet she couldn’t bring herself to look at me.

As I walked to the counter, I noticed Charlotte’s arm was cast-free. Don’t ask how she is. Just get your shit and get out.

Mallory watched me with a knowing smirk. Maybe she would talk Charlotte into forgiving me. I needed all the help I could get.
