Page 23 of The Other Brother

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I grinned. “Best fucking twenty dollars I ever spent.”


I noticed his eyes were absent of pain tonight, though I knew it was not gone for good. I felt lucky. I was aware that most people did not get the chance to see him like this. What a sight it was to see him happy. Tonight, he was not the hot-head with the bad reputation. Tonight, he was gentle and kind … and sexy as hell.

It became more and more difficult to control myself being so close to him. He smelled like cologne and sweat. It was an intoxicating combination, though I’d never thought so on anyone else. The image of his bare upper body, burned into my memory from the moment we’d met, only made matters worse. My hands wanted to slip under his shirt to feel if his skin was as smooth as it looked. And those lips. Ugh, those lips. They were so close to mine, taunting me. I’d only have to tilt my chin a fraction of an inch. No. Look away. Get it together, girl.

We danced until Chase took the stage for his last set. As much as I didn’t want to let go of Tanner, I was thankful for the break. Derek and Mallory walked to the bar with us. Tanner ordered me a water, and I contemplated dousing myself with it instead of drinking it. I needed something to snap me out of the trance I was in.

Tanner tapped his bottle against Derek’s and Mallory’s before chugging almost half of it. All three of them were definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol, and I was prepared to drive everyone home.

“Has anyone seen the birthday boy?” Derek asked.

Mallory’s top lip lifted in a snarl. “He’s probably rubbing his junk against some poor girl on the dance floor.” She pointed Shawn out to me. “He’s such a skeeze.”

“Speaking of, where’s pencil dick tonight?” Tanner asked.

I lifted my chin slightly. “I don’t know anybody by that name.”

“Why do you keep calling him that?” Mallory asked. “How do you even know what his dick looks like?”

“His name is Gabe, and he has an early morning tomorrow, for your information.”

“We all have early mornings.” Tanner threw back the rest of his beer and set it atop the bar. He took my hand, twirled me in a circle, and dipped me backwards. “His loss is my gain,” he said with a wink. When he set me upright, he turned toward the bar to order one last round.

I leaned closer to Mallory’s ear. “Why does he keep mentioning Gabe like that?”

“He knows Gabe likes you. He’s jealous.” She paused. “Shit. That’s a first.”

The band packed away their equipment, and the crowded bar emptied into the parking lot. I held onto Mallory’s arm to guide her as we shuffled out the door. Someone bumped into me, and I dropped my car keys. I let go of Mallory to bend down and grab them. Then, I felt a firm slap on my ass.

“Hey!” I spun around to glare at Tanner. I know he’s drunk, but that was uncalled for.

I looked up to see Tanner holding birthday boy Shawn in the air by his throat. Veins bulged out of Tanner’s neck, his cheeks flushed, and he had a menacing look in his eyes.

“Tanner, let him go!” I pulled on his arm, but he had a solid grip around Shawn’s throat.

Shawn’s face turned several shades of purple.

“He can’t breathe!” Mallory shrieked.

“Tanner!” My voice sounded strained as panic set in. “You’re going to kill him! Stop!”

He loosened his grip and dropped Shawn onto the ground. Shawn rolled over onto his side, gasping for air. Another guy in the crowd extended his hand to help him to his feet.

“Don’t you ever lay a fucking finger on her again,” Tanner growled. He turned and stormed off into the parking lot.

“Where are you going?” Mallory shouted. “Where is he going?”

“I don’t know.” I matched his long stride with two of my own to keep up with him. “Tanner, you can’t drive like this. Where are you going?”

“I need to get the fuck away.”

“What was that back there? Why did you attack him like that?”

“He put his hands on you! I just taught him a lesson.”

“He’s drunk. You didn’t teach him anything!”
