Page 18 of The Other Brother

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“Well, you sure as hell fooled me!” I pushed the door open and let it slam behind me as I stomped to my car in the parking lot. I fumbled with the key, my breaths short and quick.

Tanner had struck a nerve.

I started the car but hesitated before putting it into reverse. I glanced at the shop, tempted to go back inside.

Why do I care if Tanner’s nothing more than a dick?

Because he isn’t, that’s why.

I should march inside and demand to know what his problem is.


Tanner was no good for me, and I knew it. Instead of wasting any more time on him, I drove out of the parking lot.



Walking with Mallory to class the next day, my phone rang in my purse. I turned it over and saw a number I didn’t recognize.

“It is Gabe?” she asked in a singsong voice.

“No. I don’t know this number.” I rejected the call and shoved my phone back into my bag. A minute later, the number called again.

“It’s probably a telemarketer. Answer it and curse them out.”

“I’m not cursing anybody out.”

“Why not? I do it all the time. Tell them you’ll hunt them down and kill them in their sleep. They’ll never call back again.”

“You are seriously disturbed.” I clicked the green button on my screen. “Hello?”

“Hey, Charlotte. It’s Tanner.”

My stomach flopped.

“See? You should’ve cursed him out,” Mallory whispered.

I waved her away from the phone. “How did you get my number?”

“It was on your paperwork. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, you hope I don’t mind? You’re back to being nice now?”

He sighed. “I’m sorry about the way I spoke to you yesterday. I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”

“Why did you?” I didn’t want him to think I cared, but I’d never seen someone’s mood turn so quickly before. I wanted to know why.

“I can explain later. Are you free tonight? Come by the shop.”

“I’m not free.”

“Got a date with pencil dick?”

“That’s none of your business, and don’t call him that.”

“Stop being difficult. Just come by the shop later.”
