Page 15 of The Other Brother

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I showed Charlotte how to downshift and she pulled the car off to the side of the road until we came to a stop. I made sure to put the car into Neutral and reached over to turn off the engine.

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s going to take me a while to learn how to drive a stick without you in the passenger seat helping me.”

“Guess you’ll have to take me with you wherever you go.”

“Yeah, right.”

I wasn’t joking. “You can buy the GTO, and I’ll help you learn how to drive it.”

I could see the wheels turning in her mind as she considered me, holding me captive with her penetrating gaze. I’d remain until she looked away. She always looks away, as if trying to conceal something she didn’t want me to see.

“I’d like to buy the car. I just need to go home and get the cash.”

“You’re going to pay me in cash?”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, cash is fine. Just wondering why you have $8,000 in cash lying around your house.”

“My dad is old school. He hides his money under his mattress.”

She was lying to me. But why? “You should get him a safe. God forbid there is ever a fire, his money is gone.”

“Good idea.” She pulled the keys out of the ignition and handed them to me.

“Why are you giving me the keys?”

“I have to go home to get the money.”

“You don’t seriously think I am going to let you walk all the way home, and all the way back here, do you?”

She shrugged.

“You’re going to practice driving home.”

“Oh, no. I can’t do that. I can’t drive with real cars on the main road.”

“Yes, you can. I am going to help you.”

She groaned as I stuck the keys back into the ignition. She was able to shift successfully into first gear as she pulled onto the main road. Her hands were at ten and two, and she sat stiffly in her seat.

I rolled my lips together and suppressed a smile. “You do know the speed limit is forty here, right?”

She shot me a look that made me want to strip her down until she was naked. She had a fire inside her, beneath her good-girl exterior. Why was she trying to hide it?

“Yes, I am aware.”

“You’re not from around here, are you?”

“Nope. Just moved here a few months ago.”

“Let me guess. You’re from somewhere down south.”

“Why? Because I’m not screaming obscenities out my window and honking my horn like a maniac? Just because I moved to New York doesn’t mean I have to act like the heathens who live here. I have no problem doing the speed limit and obeying traffic laws.”

“You know, you’re sexy when you give me attitude.”
