Page 112 of The Other Brother

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“Is she going home with him?”

Tanner shrugged. “Does she do that sort of thing?”

“Not that I know of.”

Mallory sighed. “Lucky bitch.”

Tanner unlocked his Mustang. “You two get in the car. I’ll go ask.”

I watched from the passenger seat as Tanner interrupted the make-out session. No matter how attractive women thought TJ was, Tanner would always be it for me. We’d definitely been through our share of ups and downs, but it all proved worth it in the end. Tanner and I loved each other. We were happy together. My heart raced as he jogged back to the car and locked eyes with me, flashing me his heart-stopping grin.

“That boy loves you,” Mallory said from the back seat.

“I love that boy.”

“You should move in with him.”

I sighed and leaned my head against the window. “I think I will.”

The End

Epilogue: Five Years Later


“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Khloe. Happy birthday to you!”

Khloe squeezed her eyes shut for several seconds before they popped open again. She blew out her candles and we all cheered.

“Your dad’s cake looks great, baby.” I squeezed Charlotte to my side.

“Only the best for Khloe.”

“I can’t believe she’s ten.” I shook my head. The wide-eyed, outspoken little girl had grown into … well, a wide-eyed, outspoken ten-year old. “Where did the time go?”

Charlotte smiled up at me, tightening her grip around my waist. “Time does fly.”

Merritt waddled over to where we were standing. “You guys having cake?”

“Yes, thank you.” Charlotte took our plates from her. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’m a volcano about to blow!” Merritt smiled, patting her protruding belly.

“Are we talking about her temper?” Chase asked with a wink.

Merritt swatted his arm. “I do not have a temper!”

Mom laughed as she cut another slice of cake. “She just compared herself to a volcano. Are you sure you want to tease her right now?”

Chase stood behind Merritt and wrapped his arms around her, splaying his fingers across her stomach. “Oh, I’m not teasing. I wouldn’t be surprised if this baby rolls her eyes at the doctor when he pulls her out.”

“Ew! Gross!” Khloe stuck her tongue out as her face twisted.

We all laughed, including Merritt. It felt good to see the two of them so happy. After everything Merritt had been through in her life, she deserved to have a happy family of her own.

I looked down at Charlotte, thinking about how incredible the past five years had been with her by my side. Coming home to her in our apartment at the end of every day was the best feeling. I could see our whole life together so clearly.

“What are you thinking about?”
