Page 107 of The Other Brother

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I mustered a smile as Tanner took my hand in his. I tried to quell the thoughts swarming my mind, though that was an impossible task knowing there was even the slightest chance John and Tommy could go free.

When will this be over?


“Mommy! They’re here!”

I closed the door behind me and braced for the impact of Khloe’s tiny body. She flung herself into my arms and wrapped her legs tightly around me. I felt guilty for moving out of the house. In the matter of months, Khloe went from a family of five to living in a house with only Mom. I felt guilty about leaving Mom, too.

“Are we going to make pancakes now? I’m starving!”

“Of course! You’re going to help me, right?” Charlotte asked.

Khloe dove from my arms into Charlotte’s. “Yes! Let’s go!”

Charlotte carried Khloe into the kitchen, grinning over her shoulder at me.

“That kid’s got way too much energy in the morning,” I said as I walked into the living room.

“You think you were any different when you were her age?” Mom asked, smiling up at me. She was curled under a blanket on Dad’s recliner.

I took the recliner next to her and leaned over to kiss her head. “How has she been since I moved out?”

“She’s fine. I told you: you don’t have to worry about it.”

I opened my mouth to respond but the ringing of Mom’s phone cut me off. Chase was calling.

“To what do I owe this early-morning call?” She paused and I watched her smile disappear. “What do you mean there was an earthquake?” Mom jumped up to grab the remote off the coffee table. When the TV didn’t turn on, she smacked it against the palm of her hand. “This damn thing never works!”

“Give it to me before you break it.” I took the remote from her and placed my hand gently on her shoulder.

When the TV turned on, Mom’s hand flew to her mouth as she saw the images on the screen. “Oh my God, Chase. Are you all right? Where are you?”

“I’m in the hospital with Merritt. Everything is okay.”

“Merritt’s with you?” Mom and I asked in unison. I just saw Merritt yesterday. How is she in California?

Mom put the phone on speaker so I could hear.

“Merritt arrived last night. She was just in time to get me and a friend out of the bar after the earthquake hit. I was knocked out, and she saved me.”

“Jesus Christ! I want you both to come home!”

“We will. I’ll call you after the doctor checks me out.”

“I love the both of you so much.”

“We love you, too.”

Mom ended the call and sat down slowly onto the edge of the coffee table, her eyes still glued to the TV.

Charlotte stepped into the living room with Khloe not far behind. “Everything okay?”

I pulled her close to me while Khloe climbed into Mom’s lap. “There was an earthquake in California. Chase just called to say he’ll be coming home.”

“Oh my God! Is he okay?”

“Yeah. Apparently, Merritt is with him.”
