Page 103 of The Other Brother

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Carla was different now. Sad. She had this faraway look in her eyes. I couldn’t imagine Joe walking away from what they had. Something didn’t add up.


“Punch! Come on! You’re slowing down! Pick up the pace!”

I dropped my arms at my sides. “I just can’t right now.”

TJ lowered his pads, and sighed. “Your head isn’t here tonight. What gives? Is your back all right?”

“My back is fine.”

“Did they take the stitches out?”


“Still nothing from Charlotte?”

I shook my head. “Nothing.”

Charlotte hadn’t called all week. The only texts were in response to the ones I sent first. She was supposed to come home tonight, but a nervous feeling pooled deep in my stomach. I checked my phone all day, waiting to receive a text stating that Charlotte would be staying in Florida. For good. I tried not to jump to conclusions. I tried not to think about what I’d do if that happened. Still, the feeling was there.

TJ tossed the pads to the floor of the boxing ring. “Why don’t we go grab a slice of pizza?”

“I’d rather go grab a drink instead.”

“So go.” He crossed his arms across his chest, challenging me to ruin all the progress I’d made.

“Fuck you.”

“Give her some time. Remember when that was what you needed?”

“Thanks, asshole. Now I feel even worse.”

“So glad I could help.” TJ grinned as I turned to leave.

As I made my way home from the gym, my phone rang. I pulled over, too nervous to even see straight.


“Hey. I landed.”

I released the breath I’d been holding for the past week. “Great. How was your trip?”

“It was good. Everyone was so happy to see me.”

“I’m sure. You were only gone for a week and I’m going to be thrilled to see you.”

She laughed, and my heart ached at the sound. “I should be home in an hour or so. Then I need to shower the smell of airplane off me.”

“Can I see you after?”

“Sure. Want to come over at eight?”

“I’ll be there at eight.”

* * *

My stomach was in one giant knot as I arrived at Charlotte’s apartment. I called her to let her know I had arrived.
