Page 7 of Fall Secrets

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She blushes and stutters out, “Y-you, you want to fuck here? Out in the open? Where anyone can see us? I thought you were joking.”

Brushing my hands down her chest, they land on her perfect-sized tits, and her nipples pebble. She’s turned on and the realization of that causes my cock to harden more. This is even better than I could imagine.

I lean down brushing my lips against hers when I murmur, “Sugar Lips, I never joke about fucking.”

Grabbing the hem of her shirt, I pull it over her head and throw it to the ground. I look down to find that Hazel is wearing a deep purple bra that accentuates her tits in the best way, looking even fuller as it pushes them up with a see-through material that gives me access to her beautiful pink dusty nipples. My mouth starts to water with the need to draw them to my lips. I can't suppress the urge any longer and I lean down and suck one through her bra.

She lets out a gasp. My hand moves to her other nipple while my mouth continues to devour the first. Needing to feel her skin, I grab the bra cups and pull them down. Her beautiful tits pour out, begging me to pay more attention to them. Gently brushing one nipple with my fingertips, I move to the other one and suck as hard as possible. It’s going to leave a mark and that idea makes me even harder.

Hazel is getting lost in the moment. She doesn't seem to remember that we are in public based off the noises she’s making. Her hands start to move to try to touch me but I’m too quick.

I grab her wrists and hold them with one hand above her head, keeping her touch away from me. Hazel has never liked being told what to do.

“Hmm…I bet you’re wet for me?” I murmur into her skin as I move up her body, skimming my nose along her neck.

She lets out a wanton sound. “Dex, that feels so good. I need to touch you.”

Shaking my head, I mutter, “I knew holding your hands away from me would drive you crazy. Let’s see…what else I can do?”

I keep her hands above her head as I straddle her legs and hike her skirt up around her waist leaving her in only purple panties that match her bra. Fuck yes. I wonder if she chose this just for me.

Using my fingers, I move her panties out of the way and dip into her. I love the way her wet warm pussy feels. Lightly, I rub all around the outside of her pussy, dipping in and out but never touching her clit.

Hazel's breath picks up, her body shaking. I’m driving her nuts. She confirms it when she says, “Fuck Dexter, either fuck me or let me do it myself.”

Smiling at her words, I lean in whispering against her lips. “Oh babe, did I not mention that you being mine means nobody but me can touch this perfect little pussy from now on…and that includes you.”

The shock that overtakes her face is priceless. I love that she still doesn’t know what to expect from me. I flip her back over onto all fours, quickly, undoing my jeans and pulling them down along with my boxers in one smooth motion. Before she can even realize what, I’m doing, I thrust into her. She lets out a guttural scream. “That’s right, baby. You’re going to take my cock, all of it.”

I look down at where we're connected, making me even harder. I’ve imagined this for a while, but seeing it causes something within me to release. The frenzy of needing her takes over. “This is not going to be slow. I’ve wanted you for too long. It’s going to be fast and hard.”

“Yes, Dexter, fuck me. I need you.” I've never heard her speak like this before, sounding so needy for my cock.

My thrusts increase and I’m unleashing everything I’ve been holding in for years. Hazel will never doubt my feelings for her.

She writhes and groans underneath me, encouraging me to keep going. My pace increases and I can’t slow down or stop. Her pussy flutters around me, strangling my cock the closer she gets. Fuck, I didn’t think she would feel this good. I move my hand from her hip and wrap around to stroke her clit. I rub it a few times and that’s all she needs to take her over the edge. Her orgasm takes me over and I let out a roar while I come inside her.

All of my strength has been taken out of me. I lean over and rest my head on her shoulder. “Fuck Haze, I think your pussy sucked my soul out of my cock.”

She giggles. “I know what you mean. I thought we would have chemistry but that was something else.”

We lay under the stars as we gather our breath and calm our heartbeats. I look over at her and realize that the other half of my heart has been right next to me the whole time. I lean in and softly give her a chaste kiss. “I love you, Haze. I’m not sure why the fuck I waited so long to tell you, but fuck you are everything to me.”

She lets out a sigh. “I love you too, Dex. I have loved you from the moment you punched Billy in the face when we were eight,” she says blissfully as she rubs my chest.

I have never felt so light before. With her by my side I feel like I can face anything.

Chuckling, I sit up. “Come on, baby. Let’s get dressed and enjoy the rest of our date.”

She smiles, gets dressed, fluffs up her hair and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I’m not the easiest man to deal with, but having Hazel next to me will make the life I chose for myself a lot easier. We find our way out of the maze. Ricky walks up with a huge smile on his face and he winks at me.

“Why did Ricky just wink at us?” Hazel asks, looking confused.

“Let’s just say Ricky knew we were supposed to be a “we” before we did.”

Hazel wraps her arm around my waist, looks up at me, with an expression full of lust and says, “Let’s go get some apple cider, and you can tell me again how much you love me.”

I take a deep breath. I’m going to have to come clean soon. The weight of it sits heavy on my chest. I love Hazel, but will she understand why I’ve kept a secret from her? She knows some about my family, that my childhood wasn’t easy, but not how hard it was.
