Page 5 of Fall Secrets

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She hums. I move her underwear to the side and swipe my finger up her center. She lets out a small moan. I move to her clit and start to circle it. Her moan gets a little bit louder as her eyes flutter. She’s lost in this moment with me. Hell, she is so hot like this.

I whisper into her ear, “Do you know how often I’ve thought about how sweet and tight this pussy must be? How about knowing how many times I’ve jerked off fantasizing about how it would feel to have you, wrapped around my cock?”

Her hips rock back and forth trying to get more friction. I can’t deny her anymore. I give her what she needs as I push a finger inside her. Her legs open wider, giving me more access and I then dip another finger into her. Her pussy flutters around my fingers. Her body is telling me how much she needs this. Inserting a third finger, she rocks even harder. “Fuck yeah, baby, ride my hand. Take what you need from me.”

Hazel’s eyes open and she looks straight at me as her orgasm takes flight.

"Dex." She moans and my cock presses into my zipper even more from hearing my name drip from her lips. I want to hear those sounds for the rest of my life.

I keep moving my hand in and out of her as she comes down from her high. Once she is done, I move her underwear back to cover her pussy, I lick my fingers clean. “Mmm…I knew you would have the sweetest pussy.”

I need to kiss her. I need to find out if her lips really do taste like sugar and sin. I want her to know exactly how I feel. I’m not great with words, they’ve never been my strong suit, but I can show her. Grabbing her neck, I pull her closer to me, so our foreheads are touching. I breathe her in and her perfume that smells like apples and cinnamon reminds me of home. Hazel as always felt like home, a safe place for me. Growing up I never felt safe at home with my dad especially once my mother passed. As the years went on, he drank more and more, and we never knew when he would lash out at us in anger. But with Hazel she always took care of me and let me be who I needed to be. That has never changed over the years.

I bend down and glide my tongue across her lips. As she opens them to let me in, I take advantage and push my tongue in stroking hers. The electricity between us is so potent it singes my skin.

It’s always been there, but now it seems it’s been amplified. I pull away just as the Ferris wheel comes to a stop.

Before getting off, I look straight into her moss green eyes, that way she knows that I’m serious with my next words. “Now that I’ve had you, you're mine for good.”

We stare at each other as our obsession intensifies. The attendant opens the cart door for us and clears his throat, breaking the small bubble that surrounds us. I take her hand and pull her off the ride.

She giggles and the sounds sets my soul on fire. “I can’t believe we just did that. I’ve never orgasmed in public before, that was so hot!”

Hazel keeps talking and a red hue creeps up her body. She’s nervous, so I stop her by leaning in and kissing her again. I’ve never felt a connection like this before with anyone. Just like the oxygen that fills my lungs, the food we eat or the water we drink to sustain our bodies, I need her kisses in order to stay alive.

I reluctantly pull away to look at her. She’s smiling, her lips red and swollen from our kissing. Fuck, I’m so lucky. I wrap my arms around her. “That was hot. Let’s go get some funnel cake. Then later I might have a different sweet treat."

Chapter five


As we head toward the funnel cake cart, I can’t believe what just happened. I'm still shocked that Dexter feels the same. I was so prepared for him to reject the notion. But he didn't reject me he wants to take it to the next step too. It’s like a dream come true and I can’t seem to drop this ridiculous smile that I have plastered on my face. I finally have the boy I’m in love with. The amount of overthinking I’ve done over the past few years has been absurd. I should’ve talked to him ages ago, but maybe then it wouldn’t have been perfect timing.

Hazel, you can’t think like that, he’s with you now.

My heart feels so full, and my body wants more of what Dex has to offer. That orgasm was the best one I’ve had. I can’t believe I let him finger me in public! I guess I just unlocked a new kink.

Grabbing our funnel cake from the cashier, we head toward an empty picnic table. Even though we live in a small town the carnival is always bustling. But right now, thankfully no one is around. Sitting down, we both eat, but neither of us breaks the silence.

“Dex, what comes next?”Finally, I give in, unable to take it anymore.

He puts down his funnel cake, wipes his hands, and gives me the most serious look I’ve ever seen. “Next is that you're mine and I’m yours.”

Liking that answer, I can’t help but smile.

Dex continues with a grin, “Though, Haze, I do have one thing to share with you about my preferences.”

That grabs my attention. My eyes are locked onto his, but I don't say anything. What could Dexter’s preferences be? Is it a weird sex thing? Or does he not want to be exclusive? So many questions are running through my mind.

Dexter seems to be able to read my concerns. “When we have sex, I like things to be more primal, natural.”

My eyebrows furrow. Still confused, I ask, “Dex, what the hell does primal mean?”

A cocky grin comes over his lips as he shrugs. “The way I like to have sex.”

I bite my lip, nervous about what he's trying to tell me. I start to buzz with the ideas of what primal could mean when it comes to sex. He must be able to see how uncertain I'm feeling.

Dexter places his hand on top of mine, leans in and whispers, “Don’t worry, I bet you’re going to love it.”
