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“Have a good day,” she repeats.

“Hmm, you too,” I murmur as I hasten my steps out of the building. Maybe Ethan did settle the bill.

The moment I step out of the hotel, I release a breath I had no idea I had been holding. That was close.

I will never have a one-night stand ever again!

I hail a cab. When I get to my apartment, I quickly take a shower and throw open my closet doors, searching for an appropriate outfit. The minutes tick away as I slip into a blouse and pencil skirt.

When I'm finally ready to leave and make a run for it, I find my landlord outside, asking a neighbor for rent. I swiftly get back inside before he sees me.

I don’t have his money, and telling him that is only going to infuriate him. I’ve been avoiding him since last week.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I realize I only have thirty minutes to get to the Grand Princeton, or I will be late, and the manager already told me to forget about my job if I didn’t arrive on time.

I decide to go out through the fire escape instead. Hopefully, I won’t sprain an ankle. It’s a risky move, but at this point, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to avoid facing my landlord.

As I carefully open the window, the cold morning air rushes in, sending a shiver through my whole body. I glance around to ensure no one is watching, and then I take off my shoes and hold them in my hands as I climb out.

The metal structure creaks slightly under my weight as I descend. Reaching the ground, I land with a soft thud.

I look back up at my apartment window, relieved to see no signs of my landlord discovering my escape. Taking a deep breath, I slip my shoes back on and head to the bustling street.

When I get to the Grand Princeton, I glance at my phone—7:58. The concierge gives me a curious look as I dash towards the elevator, praying that I get to the manager’s office in less than two minutes.

“Barely on time I see,” she murmurs as I get there, and I find her stepping out.

“I had…was held up by traffic…” I try to lie, but she isn’t interested.

“Save the sorry tale for someone who cares. Come with me.”

I quickly follow her as she heads to the elevator. When we get in, she presses the button to the eleventh floor.

All through the elevator ride, I keep avoiding her eyes, as she seemed to have nothing but hatred in them.

When we get to our destination, I walk behind her as she walks to the first door and knocks. “Stay here. I will tell you when to come in,” she says as she opens the door to go in, and I respond with a nod.

While I’m waiting, I get a text from Chloe. I quickly reply, asking her how Mark is.

Chloe: He’s fine, he had food poisoning. Have you arrived at the Grand Princeton?

Me: Yes, I’m there now. I had a one-night stand last night.

Chloe: What?! Let’s meet for drinks later tonight. I need to hear all about your sexy rendezvous and also celebrate your first day. I promise not to run off this time.

I place my phone back in my purse when the manager walks out, a frown etched on her face. “He will see you now,” she says in a disdainful tone as she heads back to the elevator.

She really doesn’t like me, and I wonder why. Bringing my attention back to the door, I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. I have no idea who she’s talking about, who wants to see me, but I’m sure it’s a part of my onboarding process.

I open the door, and I step inside the impeccably decorated room. As I scan the space, trying to figure out who I’m supposed to meet, my eyes widen in surprise.

There, behind an elegant desk, is Ethan.

A rush of confusion washes over me, evident in the subtle gasp that escapes my lips. My mind races to connect the dots, trying to make sense of this unexpected twist of fate. He works here?

Ethan looks up from his desk, his expression mirroring my own shock. Our eyes lock, and I can see the question in his gaze as if he’s just as bewildered by this coincidence as I am.

“You…” The words escape my lips before I can get to stop myself.
