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As I step into the dimly lit bar, the familiar scent of alcohol and chatter washes over me, soothing my frayed nerves.

Bianca and Chloe are already there, sitting at a table near the back. They wave me over, their smiles brightening at the sight of me.

“Something tells me you have something bothering you,” Chloe says, pretending to act like a soothsayer.

“Yeah, you are right about that,” I reply with a grin, sinking into the seat next to them. “I could definitely use a drink after today.”

“Okay, now my interest is piqued,” Bianca says, leaning back in her seat.

“Mine too.” Chloe nods in agreement, gesturing for the waitress to come over. “Tell us everything,” she says eagerly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

As I recount the events of the day to Bianca and Chloe, Chloe is quick to play devil’s advocate.

“You know, Jessy, maybe you’re reading too much into it,” she suggests, swirling her drink thoughtfully. “Maybe Ethan genuinely thinks you deserve the promotion based on your merit.”

I raise an eyebrow skeptically. “You really think so?”

Chloe nods, her expression earnest. “Sure, it’s possible. You’re great at your job. Ethan probably sees that and wants to reward your hard work.”

Bianca chimes in, her voice laced with a hint of pragmatism. “And even if he did offer you the job because of, you know, other reasons, so what? People get ahead in their careers all the time by leveraging personal connections or whatever. It’s just how the world works.”

I furrow my brows, feeling a sense of unease settle in the pit of my stomach. “I don’t know, guys. It just doesn’t sit right with me. I want to believe that I earned this promotion on my own merits, not because of...other factors.”

Chloe reaches out to place a comforting hand on my arm. “Hey Jessy, whatever you decide to do, we’ve got your back. But maybe it’s worth considering all the angles before you make a final decision.”

I’m in the midst of sorting through accommodations for guests when my phone buzzes with a new message. Glancing at the screen, I see that it’s from Amy. Her name brings a small smile to my face; she’s been one of the few bright spots in my recent days.

The text is short and sweet, asking if I’m available for lunch today. Without hesitation, I type out a quick reply, confirming that I’m free, and suggesting a nearby café where we can meet.

As I hit send, a sense of anticipation bubbles up inside me. I’ve enjoyed my brief interactions with Amy so far, and the prospect of spending more time with her is oddly exciting.

Amy and I settle into a cozy corner of the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the soft chatter of other patrons. She sips her latte while I opt for a soothing herbal tea, trying to calm the nerves that have been on edge since yesterday’s confrontation with Ethan.

“So, how have things been going with my brother?” Amy asks, her bright eyes curious as she leans in slightly.

I take a moment to collect my thoughts, deciding how much to share with her. After all, Ethan is her brother, and I don’t want to sour their relationship with my personal grievances.

“Well, let’s just say it’s been...interesting,” I reply, offering a cautious smile.

Amy raises an eyebrow, sensing there’s more to the story. “Interesting. How?”

I take a deep breath, deciding to dive into the heart of the matter. “We had a bit of a disagreement yesterday about a promotion he offered me.”

Her expression shifts to one of concern. “Oh? What happened?”

I recount the events of yesterday’s meeting in Ethan’s office, explaining how I felt uncomfortable accepting a promotion that seemed to be offered under questionable circumstances.

Amy listens intently, her expression thoughtful as she processes the information. After I finish speaking, she reaches across the table to place a reassuring hand on mine.

“I understand why you feel that way, Jessy. But you have to trust me when I say that Ethan is not the type to promote someone if they didn’t earn it,” she says firmly.

I consider her words for a moment, letting them sink in. Okay, maybe I might have overreacted a little.

Amy leans back in her chair, her gaze thoughtful as she considers my words. Then, with a sigh, she leans forward again, fixing me with a knowing look.

“You know, Jessy, now I understand why Ethan has been so brooding lately. He’s been getting on my nerves, and I couldn’t figure out why until now.”

I furrow my brows, puzzled by her statement. “What do you mean?”
