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“I never said that I don’t want to give you a job, but you are insisting on starting off as a manager. You’ve refused to start off small.”

She huffs. “I don’t want to start off small. Why would I do that?”

“To gain experience, that’s how it’s done.”

She scoffs, picking up her phone and indicating an end to the conversation. A few minutes later, Mom informs us that dinner is ready.

As we gather around the dining table, the aroma of Mom’s famous chicken roast fills the air, making my mouth water in anticipation. We pass around dishes of mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, and gravy, each of us piling our plates high with delicious food.

“So, Ethan,” Mom begins, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she looks at me. “I heard an interesting rumor today.”

I raise an eyebrow, pretending to be focused on cutting into my chicken. “Oh? And what rumor is that?”

“You know, the one about you having a special someone in your life,” she says, her tone light but teasing.

I feel a sudden tension in the air, and I shoot Amy a warning glance, silently willing her to keep quiet. But of course, she can’t resist adding fuel to the fire.

“Oh yeah, Ethan,” Amy chimes in, her tone innocent but with a knowing glint in her eyes. “You never told us about your secret admirer.”

I shoot her a glare, but she just shrugs innocently, clearly enjoying herself far too much.

Mom chuckles, clearly enjoying the opportunity to tease me. “So, Ethan, care to share the details? Who’s the lucky lady?”

I try to deflect, taking a sip of water to buy myself some time. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mom. You know I’m married to my work.”

Mom raises an eyebrow, unconvinced. “Hmm, well, Amy seemed pretty convinced earlier. She said she overheard you talking about her on the phone.”

I shoot Amy another glare, silently cursing her for getting me into this mess. But Mom’s not one to let things go easily.

“So, who is she, Ethan?” she presses, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Don’t keep us in suspense.”

“There is nothing to tell.”

But Mom just laughs, shaking her head in amusement. “Alright, alright, if you say so. I won’t pry,”

Later that night, I lie in bed staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of Jessy’s absence like a palpable presence in the room.

It’s strange how quickly I’ve grown accustomed to her company, her laughter, her witty remarks. Tonight, without her beside me, the silence feels deafening.

With a sigh, I reach for my phone on the nightstand, hesitating for a moment before deciding to send her a text. Maybe it’s too late, maybe it’s too forward, but I can’t shake off the feeling that she might be feeling the same way I am right now.

I tap out a message, trying to convey the emptiness I’m feeling without sounding too dramatic.

Me: Hey, Jessy. Just making sure you got home safely.

Jessica: Hi, Ethan. Yes, your driver dropped me off hours ago. You can breathe easy now.

Me: Good to know. Can’t have my star employee getting lost on the way home.

Jessica: Flattery will get you nowhere, boss.

Me: Worth a shot, right? So, how was the rest of your day?

Jessica: Uneventful, thankfully. Yours?

Me: Quiet. Just the way I like it.

Jessica: You mean you didn’t go out and conquer the world?
