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“Fuck me…” I plead, my voice sounding so desperate.

“Of course, I sure will.”

He brings his hand to the hem of my shirt, and I raise my arms as he takes it off, leaving me completely naked because I have no panties on.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful!” His eyes are hooded as he looks at my body.

It feels so unfair that I’m naked, and he still has his clothes on. So, I reach for his shirt and take it off.

I’ve seen him shirtless before, but still, I can’t get over how incredibly taut his muscles are. I can’t resist the urge to run my fingers over his six-pack.

His hand leaves my hair and is now caressing my breasts. I throw my head back, a soft gasp escaping my lips as he brings his lips to one of my breasts, sucking on my hard nipples.

He gives ample attention to each of my breasts—while sucking one, while he has his hand on the other, gently caressing and massaging the other. Who ever knew a boob massage could be this arousing?

I can feel my wetness pooling between my thighs, and I want to feel him inside me so badly.

“Ethan, please…” I buck my hips against his erection.

“There’s a rule, baby,” he whispers in my ear. “You need to tell me what exactly you need.” I can hear the smirk in his voice.

“I want to feel you inside me…” My voice is filled with need, and I’m unashamed about it. I start grinding my hips against his erection, and he chuckles, holding me still.

“Patience…” He brings a hand between my legs and then slips two fingers inside me. I gasp, bucking my hips. And then he adds another finger. Fuck…I feel so full.

He starts slipping his fingers in and out of me slowly, and I almost lose my senses when he makes a curling motion with his fingers, hitting my G-spot.

My moans overshadow the volume of the TV, and now the room is filled with the sounds of my moans and the slurpy wet sounds of my pussy as he continues to finger fuck me, slipping his fingers in and out of me.

“I love how you coat my fingers with your juices, baby,” he whispers in my ear. I close my eyes from the wave of pleasure that takes over my body. But before I can cum, Ethan quickly pulls his fingers out of me.

My eyes fly open as I stare at him, wondering why he did that. “You only cum when I let you,” he murmurs with a smirk.

He brings his fingers, which are now glistening with my cream, to his lips and slowly licks each one clean. I don’t know which is hotter, the way he licks my juice off his fingers, or the fact that he’s enjoying it.

He brings his lips to mine and seals them in a kiss, causing me to have a taste of myself—musky and earthy. The kiss is slow and teasing, making me want more. When we pull away, we are both breathless.

In a swift move, Ethan gets me off his lap to the couch, and he’s now standing. How does he move so fast?

I watch as he takes off his sweatpants, his big hard cock springing free, my mouth watering as I stare at it, the tip coated with pre-cum.

“Turn around,” he instructs, and I immediately do as he says.

I now have my back to him, my ass suspended in the air, my palms planted on the arm of the couch.

“I fucking love how wet you get for me.” He runs his fingers through my pussy, spreading my wetness all the way to my butt hole. “Fuck, you’re so perfect.”

I close my eyes, a soft moan escaping my lips as he teases my pussy with the tip of his cock, gliding it along my entrance but not really penetrating.

I buck my hips, wishing for his cock to be inside me already. His teasing is building an inferno inside me, and it feels like I’m about to combust.

“Ethan, please….”

“Say it.”

I bite down on my lip to prevent myself from begging, but I can no longer take it, so I succumb to my desires.

“Please, fuck me…”
