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As the rest of the staff sees me, they all disappear from the room, save for her.

However, when I start to speak, she pointedly ignores me. It’s clear she’s not in the mood for a conversation.

Not wanting to get interrupted by anybody, I locked the door from inside.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asks, eyes widening in shock.

“I want to have a chat with you.”

“Open the door.” She starts walking to the door, but I get in her way, causing her to step back.

“I’m still your boss. I give the orders here and not the other way around.”

She lets out a slow, frustrated breath. Folding her arms in front of her chest, she asks, “What do you want?”

Maintaining my composure, I meet Jessica’s gaze steadily. “I want to talk about what happened the other night. I think it’s important for us to clear the air and set some boundaries.”

Her expression tightens, a mixture of wariness and defiance in her eyes. “There’s nothing to talk about. It was a mistake, and I’d rather forget it.”

I lean against the door, folding my arms. “You can’t just sweep it under the rug. We work together, and it’s in both our interests to address any potential complications.”

She sighs, running a hand through her chestnut brown waves, a sign of frustration. “Look, can we just leave it in the past? I don’t want any drama at work. What happened was a one-time thing, and it shouldn’t affect our working relationship.”

Her gaze flickers with a mixture of relief and caution. “Please, sir, can you unlock the door now?”

I ask a simple question, “Do you truly not know who I am?”

Her answer surprises me, “You manage this hotel, right? You are my boss, and I don’t want to mess up and lose my job. That’s all I need to know.”

Wait a sec. She thinks I’m just in charge of this hotel, not the CEO running multiple hotels.

She’s looking at me like I’m just her boss, nothing more. It’s a mix of surprise and feeling relieved.



The bar is buzzing with lively chatter and the clinking of glasses as people unwind from their week. A low hum of chatter and the occasional burst of laughter fill the air.

I join Bianca and Chloe at our usual spot, a corner table that offers a good view of the entire bar. Bianca has been in Italy visiting her parents, and she just got back last night. It has been two weeks since we have been able to meet up for our normal Friday night drinks.

“For someone who just got a job, you don’t look happy,” she says in her Italian accent.

“That’s because she has been playing under the sheets with her boss,” Chloe mischievously adds, and Bianca gasps.

“Is that true? What have I been missing?” Bianca’s eyes filled with surprise as she looks at me.

I ignore both of them as I signal a waiter to get me a drink. With the type of day that I’ve had, I sure deserve one.

“Can I have a Dirty Martini, please? And please make it extra dirty.” In a bid to change the topic, I ask Bianca, “How was Italy?”

“Italy was good, and don’t you dare change the topic. Have you been sleeping with your boss or not? Spill the tea…” she drawls, her interest piqued.

“Of course not; it was just a one-time thing.”

Bianca scrunches up her nose in disgust. “He was that bad, huh?”

“No, he wasn’t,” Chloe chimes in. “As a matter of fact, she says it was the best sex that she’s ever had.”
