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“It was nothing, I promise. I left before we even got our food.”

The muscle in my jaw tenses. “Aria, what did Griffin say to you?”

“Please, Leo. It’s not a big deal.”

“You have three seconds to tell me what he said or he can tell me himself.”

She narrows her eyes on me. “A threat isn’t going to get you your way, Leo.”

A smirk pulls on my lips and I take the champagne flute from her hand and set it down on the counter behind her. “It’s not a threat, baby. I’ll be paying him a visit either way.”

“He said some things about you that I didn’t appreciate.”

My head cocks to the side and my stomach flutters. “Did he say anything about you?”

“No,” she admits as she drops the blanket. It falls away from her body and pools on the floor around her feet. “It was just about you.”

Relief settles the rage that threatened to bubble over inside me. I still don’t like that he made her upset, but I’m glad to hear he didn’t say anything directly about her.

Wrapping my arm around her lower back, I pull her body flush against mine. “I don’t give a fuck what he says about me, as long as he doesn’t say anything about you.”

“I care what he says about you,” she argues as she lifts her hands up to link her wrists behind my neck. Her words warm my heart. She shouldn’t care, but I love that she does. I set my glass down beside hers as my face dips down to hers, capturing her lips with mine. I run my tongue along the seam of her mouth, urging her to open them. She parts them, letting me in, and I want to drink from her until she runs dry. She tastes like champagne and sunshine. Our tongues dance together and I press her against the island with my hips.

Her hands drop down to my waist and she tries to push my pants down before I grab her wrists to stop her. I take a step back as I slide my hand down to hers. "Not here," I murmur as I pull her toward me. "Do you trust me?"

Aria nods. "I do." She pauses, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth before she releases it. "And not just on the ice."

She lets me lead her through the dark house. With the full moon outside, I left the window treatments open, so it casts its light across the floor, illuminating the way for us. The skylight above the stairs lets the light in and the hall is dimly lit, but I lead Aria to my bedroom. She follows me into the room and I step around her, pushing the door shut behind us. Aria steps farther into the room, looking around.

She walks over to the built-in bookcase along the right side of the room. It's the largest room in the house. The far wall is made up entirely of glass and leads out to a balcony that overlooks the ocean. I watch her as she walks along the bookcase, dragging her fingers along the spines of the books. She stops and pulls one out, flipping through it as I walk over to her. Turning her head to look at me, I reach for the book and pull it from her hands before I slide it back into its place.

Aria turns to face me. "I didn't know you liked to read."

Sliding my hand along her throat, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck as my other arm goes around her torso. "There's a lot you don't know about me."

"What if I told you I want to know everything?" she asks me as she lifts her hands to hold on to my shoulders.

I slowly begin to back her across the room until the side of my mattress hits the backs of her thighs. My lips find hers in the darkness of the night as I silence her. There isn't a single thing I want to keep from Aria Reed, not even my heart. Whatever she wants, she can have. I don't want it. It never was mine to begin with.

Abruptly, I pull away from her and trail my fingers along her collarbone, slowly making my way down her sides. "I like this dress on you," I tell her as I reach for her shoulders and begin to push the straps down her arms. "But I think I like it better on my floor."

She hums in approval as I begin to strip her clothing from her body until every shred of fabric is on the floor. Aria's completely naked, fully exposed under my gaze. She doesn't shield herself from me. Instead, she takes a step closer, her hands reaching for me as she begins to remove my clothes. I don't protest and I don't fight her. Instead, I let her have her way, stripping me bare, literally and figuratively.

I take a step back, allowing myself the opportunity to fully consume her. "You take my fucking breath away, Aria." I inch closer to her, gently pushing her down onto the bed. I stare down at her and I'm obsessed with how she looks right now. Spread out on my bed, ready for me to devour her.

Her breath catches in her throat. "Leo," she murmurs, my name sounding like a plea falling from her lips. I crawl onto the bed with her, settling between her legs as my cock throbs against her damp pussy. Dipping my face down to hers, I steal the air from her lungs as I kiss her deeply.

Pulling away again, I shift my weight as I'm about to begin my descent down her body, when her arms dart out and wrap around the back of my neck. She lifts her legs and hooks them around my waist, pushing me back toward her.

I cock my head to the side and lift an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"I need you, Leo," she breathes, applying as much pressure as she can with her legs. The tip of my cock presses against her center and I revel in her warmth.

"What if I told you I wanted to taste your pussy first?"

She shakes her head at me, biting down on her bottom lip as her fingernails scratch against my flesh. "I want you now. I want to feel you deep inside me."

My face dips back down to hers and I pull her bottom lip between my teeth. Aria lets out a sharp exhale as I dig into her flesh, leaving half-moon marks along her lip. My tongue slips out and I run it across them, soothing the small wounds as I sink deep inside her. Aria lets out a moan as she takes every fucking inch. This is what she wants and I'm never going to be the one to deny her that.
