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"Thanks." Austin smiles with a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

I can't help but feel like he's setting both of us up in a way. He knows how much of a struggle it has been working with her and now he wants us to figure out what the hell to do with the ice rink he bought.

Our server shows back up at the table and Austin gives her his black card before she even bothers to bring the bill over. I give him a look of frustration, but he ignores it. It's not unusual for him to cover the check. I've learned it's not worth arguing with him over it because Austin Reed is always going to get his way.

"You don't have any other plans tonight, do you?"

I shake my head at him as my brow furrows for a fraction of a second. "No. I was just going home after this."

"I told Aria I'd meet her for a drink. Come with."

My stomach knots at the thought of her. "I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense. I'm inviting you and I'm sure she won't care." He pulls his phone out and taps on the screen. "I just texted her to let her know we'd both be there. If she has an issue with it, she'll tell me."

I level my gaze on his. "Why are you doing this?"

A sly smile slides across his lips and he winks. "Because I can." He looks down at his phone and then turns it around to show me the screen. "See, look. She doesn't care."

I narrow my eyes on his. "You're almost as annoying as she is."

"How delightful." He claps as he rises to his feet and removes the white cloth napkin from his lap. He drops it on the table and pulls the keys to his Maserati from his pocket. "Let's go, Wells."

A sigh escapes me and I follow his lead, standing up before we begin to head out of the restaurant. "Don't you need to get back to New York or something?"

A chuckle escapes him and he slings his arm around my shoulders as we step out onto the sidewalk. "That's a tomorrow thing." We head in the direction of where our cars are parked as Austin removes his arm from my shoulders. "I'll meet you at The King’s Inn."

I nod, bidding him goodbye before I get into my own car. He's an asshole for doing this. I didn't need to see Aria again. This doesn't align with my plan to avoid her. It goes against it completely. My heart races at the thought of seeing her off the ice right now.

I'm fucked.


Aria is already waiting at the bar when I get there. I see her from across the room sitting at a high-top table by herself as she sips a glass of wine. Her midnight-colored hair is tucked behind her ears, hanging in soft curls that frame her heart-shaped face. I walk closer, heading directly toward her as she slowly lowers her glass away from her lips. Her gaze meets mine and the electrical current ripples through the air between us.

"Leo," she says quietly in greeting as I take the seat across from her. She stares at me for a moment before glancing behind me. "Where's my brother?"

"I'm not sure," I tell her honestly. "We left at the same time but I didn't pay attention to where he was while we were driving."

"Hmm," she hums without amusement as she reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone. It begins to vibrate instantly and she smiles at the screen. "Speak of the devil." She slides her finger across it and lifts it up to her ear as she looks at me again. "Hey."

I watch her, studying her expression as she talks to Austin. Her eyebrows pull together and she frowns.

"What do you mean you're not coming?"

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head as I cross my arms over my chest and lean forward. I rest my forearms against the top of the table as Aria finishes up her call. I knew he was trying to set us up in one way or another, I just didn't anticipate this.

"Yeah, okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." Aria ends the call. A sigh slips from her lips as she lifts her eyes back to mine. "He's not coming."

"You don't say," I muse out loud as I reach across the table and grab her glass of wine. I drain it, swallowing the fruity liquid. "He set us up."

Aria nods. "It appears so." She looks around before looking back at me. "We don't have to do this."

She piques my curiosity. "Do what?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"This," she says, waving a flustered hand between us. "We don't have to act all cordial and hang out just because Austin set us up. You've been ignoring me since we got home, Leo. I get it, okay?"

"It's for the best, Ari," I explain, my voice borderline pleading. I don't need her opening up this conversation between us. She'll never understand where I'm coming from. She'll never understand that if I let her in, I'll never let her out… and believe it or not, I don't want to hurt her. "What we did can never happen again."
