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I slowly climb out of bed, grabbing the pack of crackers and soda as I walk over to her. I hold it out for her as she sets her makeup bag down on the vanity by the closet.

"What's this?" she asks me as she takes them from me, a quizzical look on her face as her eyes meet mine.

Suddenly, I feel fucking nervous under her gaze. What the hell? I shift my weight on my feet and shrug. "I got these in case you weren't feeling well. I thought maybe it would help?"

A slow, gentle smile creeps across her lips as she looks up at me. "Thanks, Leo. I really appreciate it," she tells me as she tears open the pack of crackers and pulls one out. "It’s my anxiety. It happens most mornings of early competitions. These always help, though."

"You're welcome." I stand awkwardly in front of her for a second, like I’ve forgotten how to speak or move or do anything normal. I'm trying really fucking hard not to look at her wearing nothing but a towel while also trying to cover my stupid boner. "I'm going to go take a shower."

Aria laughs softly and I savor the sound against my eardrums as I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I turn on the shower, setting the temperature of the water to as hot as it will go as I strip out of my clothes and discard them on the floor by the bathroom door. Pulling open the glass door, I step into the shower and directly into the burning spray. It's hot on my skin and rolls down my back as I close my eyes and inhale deeply. Steam still lingers in the room from Aria and it grows thicker from the heat pouring out of the showerhead.

I quickly wash my hair and body, scrubbing at my skin like I'm trying to wash away my thoughts of Aria in a towel. I've seen her naked, I've seen her in a robe, I've seen her fully clothed. It doesn't matter what she's wearing—she has my fucking attention regardless. I may never get to touch her again, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to imagine the things I would do to her if I could.

My cock is still as hard as a rock as I think about pulling down the top of her towel and watching it tumble to the ground, pooling around her feet before she takes a step toward me. Wrapping my hand around myself, I grip my length and slowly begin to stroke up and down. My eyelids fall shut and I picture her stepping into the shower with me instead. Her hair falls in waves down to the middle of her back. She steps closer, lifting her arms to wrap them around the back of my neck as she presses her body against mine.

The hot water falls down her taut body. My hand grips her waist as the other pulls her head back with a fistful of her hair. My lips find hers in a haste and I kiss her deeply before she pulls away from me. Her movements are deliberately slow and teasing as she makes her way down my torso until she's on her knees in front of me. She wraps her hand around the base of my cock and her lips around the tip. I groan, my hand gripping the back of her head as she inhales me. Her tongue feels like silk as it slides against the underside of my cock. She takes me deep in her mouth, gagging around my length as I hit the back of her throat.

She looks up at me, her eyes glistening, her lips plump and wet around the girth of my dick as she starts to bob her head. She pulls me in and out of her mouth, sucking as I begin to move my hips. She holds on to me as I begin to fuck her face, moving in tandem with her.

"Fuck, Aria," I moan, her name tumbling from my lips as I tilt my head back. Her mouth is warm and wet and I imagine this is exactly what heaven feels like.

I grip her hair even tighter as my hips buck. Warmth builds in the pit of my stomach. My balls constrict, drawing closer to my body as I get closer to coming. Aria continues to suck my cock, moving her head back and forth as she continues to stroke my length with her mouth. Her plump lips suction tighter around me and that's all it takes to send me soaring over the edge. The warmth begins to spread across my abdomen, spilling into my veins as it spreads through my body like wildfire.

Thrusting into her mouth again, my orgasm tears through me, lighting my body on fire. She keeps bobbing her head, swallowing every spurt of cum that I shoot into the back of her throat. I'm riding the ultimate high as I lift my head and open my eyes to look down at her.

Reality comes crashing down around me when I realize I'm standing in the shower alone. Aria isn't in front of me on her knees with my cock down her throat. It's my hand wrapped around my length, not her lips. Cum drips from the tip of my cock onto the tile floor and I see the rest of it across the shower wall instead of in her mouth.

I just jerked off to the thought of her while she's literally on the other side of the door. I just came, yet I feel more tension than I did before I started stroking myself.

Water streams down my face as I let out a frustrated sigh and let go of my cock.

I need to get her out of my head… and out of my bed.



My stomach is in knots as Leo and I stand on the other side of the glass and watch the pair before us finishing up their routine. They were both decent skaters and they scored high on the technical side, but their routine comes nowhere close to how good ours is. All we need to do is make sure we execute every move perfectly and we should be taking home gold.

The palms of my hands are sweaty and I wipe them on the hand towel hanging from the pocket of my warm-up coat. Leo looks over at me, a touch of concern laced within his expression.

“Are you okay?” he asks me softly. His voice is like a warm embrace that I want to bury myself in. “Are you going to get sick again?”

I shake my head, half smiling at him. “That’s just a one-and-done thing in the mornings of important competitions. It doesn’t always happen.” I pause and look back out at the ice as their routine ends. “I’m just ready to get out there.”

The score for the pair ahead of us is announced as they come off the ice. My stomach rolls and anticipation builds inside me. There’s a touch of anxiousness that mixes with the adrenaline in my veins, but I ignore it. My chest rises and falls as I suck in a deep breath and let it out.

Leo reaches out and takes my hand in his own before giving me a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “It’s our time.”

I look over at my partner, squeezing his hand in response before he lets go of me. He looks back out at the ice and I allow myself a moment to really look at him. My eyes start at his black skates, trailing up the length of his legs and his torso. He’s wearing black pants with a black dress shirt tucked in. His sleeves are unbuttoned and rolled up, stopping just before his elbows. He looks good—really good.

Leo glances back at me as he brushes a lock of his hair away from his forehead. Hues of golden brown shine brightly in his eyes as he winks at me. I shrug out of my jacket and hand it to Alanna before falling in step with Leo. He walks over to the door and steps out of the way for me to get on the ice first. My gray chiffon skirt flows around the backs of my calves as I skate to the center of the arena and come to a stop.

As soon as I'm on the ice, the anxiety I was feeling completely dissipates. The lights cut out momentarily and Leo skates up behind me. I lean back, melting into him as he slides his arms under my armpits. Both of his hands find the sides of my head and he tilts my chin up to the ceiling so the crown of my head presses against his firm chest. My eyelids flutter shut as my heart pounds erratically against my rib cage. The soft sound of the music begins to play and I feel Leo's breath against my ear.

"As close to perfect," he murmurs the reminder as the lights flash on, illuminating our bodies and the ice around our feet. "I promise I won't let you fall."

We begin our performance, skating together flawlessly. We've been through this routine countless times, we know exactly what we need to do. Leo moves with me, both of us skating in rhythm together. It's harmonic and beautiful, even if every move has to be so precise and technical. We don't miss a single beat as we both spin in the air, our skates hitting the ice at the same time in our landings.
