Page 9 of Fakecation

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“We go to Folly Beach every year. It’s a way to unwind. We usually put away our phones to relax and enjoy the scenery. But you don’t know us, and this is a ridiculous thing I’ve brought up, so I understand if you’re totally judging me right now.”

All he could think about was the idea of being on a small island, away from . . . everyone. That would be an excellent way to spend the next week before his father broke the news.

“Daniel?” Amelia asked. “Do I need to leave so you can report me to our boss?”

“No, it’s not that big of a deal.”

She let out a breath of relief. “Thank God.”

“A beach vacation would be nice right now.”

She huffed out a laugh. “Well, according to my mom, you’re invited, but you’d have to date me, so . . .”

“When do you leave?”

She blinked. “W-what?”

“For the trip. When do you leave?”

“Saturday,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

“And it’s for a week?”

“Yes.” She arched a brow. “Why?”

“I mean . . . She’s invited me, and we could pretend to be together.”


“If you were okay with it, that is.”

She stared at him for a long moment. “The better question is why are you okay with it?”

“Something is going to happen to me in a week. A vacation before this awful thing happens would be nice. And in turn, you would get your family off your back.”

“But you don’t take vacations.”

“Which means I have a lot of PTO saved up. I think I can make it work—if I’m invited, that is.”

“But you’ll be dating me.”

“I think the better term is fake dating.”

“Semantics.” She waved her hand in the air. “The point is—this is wild. For both of us to do.” She hesitated for a moment. “So, you’re really considering doing this?”

“I am. Unless that’s not what you were getting at.”

“Are you kidding?” Amelia leaned forward. “Because I can’t tell. My mom will have the time of her life if I bring my boyfriend with me. Fake boyfriend, I mean. But even fake boyfriends have to do certain things. Like hold hands. Share a bed.”

“Would your parents let us share a bed if we’re not married?”

“Of course, they’re not from the 1960s. They know how couples work.”

Sharing a bed. Sure. He could do that. “Then sharing a bed would be fine.”

“But still.” She waved a hand again. “Even if I can convince my brother to give us the room with the adjoined bathroom, we’d still be with my family.”

“There are bedrooms?”
