Page 65 of Fakecation

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She got up, knowing that she didn’t need to dream about things that wouldn’t happen. Stepping into the bathroom, she changed clothes and ventured into the condo’s living space, mind on coffee.

“Hey, honey,” her mom said as Amelia was walking out of the bedroom. “Where are you going?”

“To get some coffee,” she replied. “Do you want anything?”

“Mind if I go?”

“Are you feeling up to it?”

Her mom nodded. “I think I’m on the upswing. My medication is still working, even at the lower dose.”

Amelia’s eyes slid to the door, and she prayed Daniel was still asleep.

“Amelia, maybe I should ask—”

“Let’s head out. We can talk on the way there.”

She led her mother out the front door, eager to keep all medicine talk away from her significant other.

“You realize those medications mess with your brain, right?” Andrew used to say. “Doesn’t that scare you?”

Daniel wasn’t Andrew. She knew that, but she was still working on believing it.

“You’re really not telling him anything?” her mother asked when they got to the elevator.

“He knows about the anxiety.”

“But nothing else?”

Amelia slowly shook her head.

“Has he given you a reason not to tell him?”


“Really? You seem so adamant in keeping it quiet. Usually, people don’t hide things without a reason.”

The elevator doors opened and they headed toward the sidewalk. “He’s a good guy. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“There is no other reason to hide it, unless Andrew was truly that—”

Amelia stopped walking. “Mom, can we not talk about this?”

“That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it?”

She pressed her lips together. Hearing Andrew’s name almost sent her over the edge.

“Yes, Mom. That’s exactly why.” She turned around. “But before you ask why or what happened, just know that I can’t talk about it. Yesterday was bad enough and I just want to enjoy the last few days of this vacation and not be stuck in the past.”

“But how can I not ask questions when my daughter is hurting? It took you five years to even try with someone else.”

More than that, considering this was all fake.

“I’m fine,” she replied. “What happened with Andrew is over now. It just taught me what the real world is like. Now I know.”

“But you know you’re not . . . broken or anything, right? Your dad and I never wanted you to feel like you were.”

“I know. It’s others who see me that way. I’ll tell Daniel if I feel like I need to, but for now, we’re good.”
