Page 63 of Fakecation

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Amelia was out not long after he started reading. Daniel could tell she was tired, and he could only imagine what had been going through her head when she ran off. He could see her getting more and more tense as the day went on, but there had been nothing he could do about it.

He was relieved that she’d opened up at all. There had been so many nights when Lucinda was upset but shut him out, and they never talked about it. Eventually, he began doing the same, and she’d found someone else.

At least Amelia hadn’t done that.

Thinking of his ex made him put down the book and rub his eyes. He never did any of this for Lucinda because he quickly learned that she would take advantage of it. But Amelia had fought to even accept help, despite the fact that she so obviously needed it. She had spent the trip making him comfortable, making sure he was having a good time. Of course, she would be exhausted.

He’d realized she was like him. She was willing to do things for others until she literally broke down. And he wasn’t used to being around people who put others first.

He looked over at her calm form. Seeing her run off tonight was the moment he realized she’d taken a piece of him with her. He had to know she was okay. That was all that mattered.

As he gazed at her, he noticed the smooth curve of her cheek and full lips. He looked at her hair, wondering what it felt like.

Amelia adjusted herself and moved to lie on her other side, facing away from him. Focus broken, he realized that maybe he’d been looking at her for too long. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, his throat sore from reading out loud.

“You’re up late,” Randy said. Daniel jumped. He didn’t know anyone else was awake. Randy held up his hands. “Sorry, kid. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s fine,” he replied. “I’m just lost in my own thoughts.”

“Is Amelia okay?”

“I think so. She fell asleep as I was reading to her.” His eyes fell to the floor. Maybe that was too much information.

But Randy smiled. “That’s a good way to calm her down. Thank you for doing it.”

Daniel blinked. “What? I thought you’d be . . .”

“Did you think I was going to get jealous or something that she has someone else treating her right? Nah, kid. The more the merrier. There’s always room for love.”

“Some dads are weird about it.”

“Not me. If my daughter is opening up to someone, then that means she trusts them. And I trust her. After the last guy she dated . . . I know it doesn’t come easy.”

Daniel let out a breath that he hadn’t realized he had been holding the whole trip. Randy patted his shoulder and settled onto the couch. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV. The silence was more comfortable, and it was nice to spend time with someone. It reminded Daniel of what he could have had with his own father, if only things could have been different.

“I don’t blame her. For not trusting people, I mean.”

Randy turned to him and smiled. “You’re doing a good job of getting her to trust you. Mandy told me this was new, and even I could see that, but we’re only a few days in. I wonder what’ll happen by the end of the trip.”

It was a terrifying idea, but it was also one he couldn’t turn away from.

“I just didn’t want her to be alone,” Daniel said. “That’s all it was.”

“That’s a good way to look at it.” Randy nodded.

“Is that how you look at it?” Daniel asked, curious. Obviously, he and Mandy were doing something right if they’d been together this long.

“That’s a part of it. Sometimes, everyone needs to be alone now and then, but I think Amelia has had enough of that.”

“Me too.”

“Sounds like you’re two peas in a pod.”

Daniel nodded but felt a lump in his throat. This was only temporary, he knew that. But hearing that Randy approved made him want to forget this was fake.

“Are you a fan of sports?” Randy asked, pointing to the TV. “We could probably catch a recording of a recent game.”

Daniel panicked for a moment. Was this an invitation? Was Randy just being polite? Lucinda’s dad had never done this before.
