Page 47 of Fakecation

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“She and her family have been welcoming. They’re all so close-knit, but very welcoming.”

“That’s good. At least it’s not drama central. Are you having fun?”

“Yes. Amelia is fun in a way I’m not used to.” She was many things he wasn’t used to.

“Can you see herself dating her?”

“In a fake way? Yes.”

“Come on, what about a real way?”

“I just got divorced.”

“Sure, but you can look. Maybe this fake relationship can turn into a real one.”

“She said she doesn’t do relationships.”

“Fine. Then a rebound?”

“Not with a coworker.”

“Ugh. I just want you to move on. Call me when you sleep with someone,” Terri said. “Wait, maybe don’t. Maybe wait, until like, after.”

“That is not something a normal sister would say.”

“When was I ever normal? I just want you to find your fairy tale happy ending, that’s all.”

“For now, my happy ending is paused until I see how Dad announcing his new fiancée will go.”

“Fair enough. Then just have fun. Go mini golfing. Just keep your head on and try to enjoy yourself. That’s what I did when I got lost in South Dakota.”

“I thought it was Montana.”

“Oh, it was multiple states,” she said. “But this is good. It sounds like this might be a real vacation for you.”

“Yeah, maybe it is,” he said, nodding. “And maybe I do need to be more like you.”

“Well, you won’t really be like me until you fall in love on one of those adventures. But I’ll give you a few years to catch up on that one,” she joked. “Seriously, though—I’m glad you’re okay.”

Daniel smiled. “Thanks, Terri.”

“And call me if anything interesting happens. I swear, I always wanted you to do something like this. It’s better than reality TV.”

Chapter Eleven


“He said he wanted to be alone?” Amelia asked, frowning over her coffee. John had been the one to deliver her a caramel latte this time but said Daniel had chosen it. She wanted to thank him since John had made it clear that Daniel had gone with the specific intention of getting something for her.

“Yeah, I think something is going on with his family. He seemed a little mad.”

Shit. Anger wasn’t a good emotion.

Maybe it was her. Maybe she got too close to him in the middle of the night. She’d woken up in the center of the bed, after all.

“Amelia,” John said, taking in her expression, “I’m sure he’s fine.”

“Yeah, me too,” she lied. Her feet itched to go downstairs and find him. But he said he needed time, and she would give him that. “I think I’m going to go on a walk on the beach to clear my head.”
