Page 34 of Fakecation

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After putting his hair in its usual style, he got dressed in a polo and khaki shorts, an outfit he considered somewhat formal, and wondered what it would be like to let go, even for just a little bit. He used to never be so worried about his appearance, but it was something Lucinda used to have a problem with.

Amelia was still asleep, so he went out into the main area, hoping to get some water.

“Don’t you look nice,” Mandy called from across the room.

He turned to face her and felt a slight pang of jealousy. She had been in a nice blouse and expensive-looking tailored jeans yesterday when they arrived, but now, her outfit was casual and ready for vacation life—making him feel overdressed.

“Thanks,” he said.

“Are you going somewhere? I’m heading out to get some coffee myself.”

“Maybe I should get Amelia something. She loves it in the morning.”

Mandy smiled. “You’re welcome to join me if you want. There is a shop only a half mile from here.”

“Of course,” he said. “Lead the way.”

Saying yes was the right thing to do, but his heart pounded at the idea of being alone with Amelia’s mother. Could he manage not to screw this up? He wasn’t so sure.

The minute they were out of the condo, Mandy said, “You know, Amelia didn’t even tell me she was dating someone. I was so surprised!”

“It’s new,” he replied.

“So she said.” Mandy pressed the button for the elevator. “I hear you two met at work.”

“We did. It was a few years ago.”

“So, you’ve known each other a long time. What made you wait so long to ask her out?”

“I didn’t ask, she did. And we were different people when we met.”

“How so?”

Normally, he wouldn’t answer, but this wasn’t a coworker, this was Amelia’s mom, who undoubtedly only wanted to know how this all happened.

And Daniel wanted to be open with her. He didn’t want to be businesslike. Not here.

Not when Amelia herself was so open.

“I was married when we met.”

“Oh, really?” Mandy’s eyebrows rose.

“T-there was no overlap,” he rushed to say. “I would never—”

“I wouldn’t dare think that.” She waved her hand. “I’m just wondering when this started and why Amelia didn’t tell me.”

“We only went on our first date a couple of weeks ago.”

“So it’s very new, then.”

“Yes. And I hope me being divorced doesn’t change how you feel about our relationship.”

Mandy frowned. “Why would that change anything? Marriages can end for all kinds of reasons.”

“She’s your daughter. You’re bound to be protective.”

“She’s also very smart,” Mandy added. “And she’s grown. She’s going to do what she wants to do, even if it’s be single for five years. Thank God that’s over with, though. I could only meddle so much before she stopped answering my calls.”
