Page 25 of Fakecation

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“Do you want us to hold the elevator?” her dad called. He’d made it across the parking lot and was waiting for them.

“I’m coming, honey!” Her mom worked her way over to the building.

The bottom of it was on tall wooden beams, with some tenants parking their cars in the empty space. Amelia had learned after many years of coming here that the area often flooded during hurricanes. The condos began on the first floor, and their particular accommodation was on the fourth, at the very top.

The elevator was tiny, and with her three family members and Daniel, plus their luggage, it felt even smaller.

“We can get the next one,” she said.

“There’s room,” her mom assured them. “Come on.”

Daniel went in first, and Amelia knew she couldn’t easily make an excuse as to why she couldn’t join.

It was crowded and hot. She and Daniel were crammed into the front of the space. She had no choice but to lean into him. At first, she thought that she might die from embarrassment, if the hot, sticky hair didn’t get to her first. Daniel felt stiff underneath her.

But then his hand settled on her back, and he wound one of his arms around her, pulling her in closer.

Her skin tingled from where she could feel his hand through her shirt.

At least Amelia could claim it was the heat in the elevator that made her cheeks burn, even if it was because of him.

She was glad when the elevator doors finally opened, but as Daniel pulled away to exit, she missed having him nearby. The cool air hitting her skin wasn’t anything compared to the feeling of having him close.

Their condo was near the elevator and was always picturesque in the ocean air. The ceilings were tall, with walls painted a light blue. The carpet under her feet was slightly worn from all the families that had stayed here, but Amelia didn’t mind.

She was sure the beach decor was gorgeous, but as usual, Amelia’s eyes were caught by the balcony. She loved the ocean, and this was her first time seeing it in a year. The water glistened in the sun, pushing waves to the shore. People were either hiding under umbrellas or venturing into the water.

“Which one is our room?” Daniel asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.

“I want the one with the bathroom,” she announced.

“Aw, come on,” John complained. “I usually get that room.”

“There’s two of us and only one of you,” she said, shrugging.

John muttered something to himself but didn’t say anything else. She led Daniel to where they’d be sharing a bed for the next week.

“Yes,” she muttered. “He didn’t fight me on it. If I had to guess, it would be because you’re here.”

Save for the master, this was the best room in the condo, with its queen-sized bed and en suite bathroom. The bigger mattress was going to be far more accommodating than the full one that John would be using.

There was a knock at the door, followed by her mom poking her head in. “Sorry to ask so soon after we arrived, but do you two want to go to dinner with us? The three of us are going to walk to the burger place down the road. We discussed it in the car.”

Amelia turned to Daniel, who was already looking at her, as if trying to figure out what she wanted.

“We can go,” Amelia said. “As long as it’s okay with you.”

“I’m fine with that,” he replied. She scanned his features for any sign that he wasn’t fine, just like she used to with Andrew. But she couldn’t read Daniel the same way.

This thing they were doing was already a ludicrous, unthinkable thing. The last thing she wanted to do was push him too far. She couldn’t handle it if he snapped at her and then she had to sleep next to him at night.

“Let me just get John and we’ll go.” She left the doorway as Amelia tried to calm down.

“Are you feeling up to going?” Daniel asked.

“I’m good.”

“Are you sure?”
