Page 121 of Fakecation

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She didn’t find any.

“But . . . What if I don’t do the dishes?”

“I can do them.”

“What if I need therapy again . . . like every week?”

“I’ll drive you to the appointments.”

“What if I have to change medication, and I get all annoying and loud, or talk in circles when I’m really trying to say something simple?”

“That’s fine. I love you for everything you are, ADHD and all, because you’re still you. Even when you’re struggling. You’re always Amelia, and that’s who I love. I would do it all for you if you would let me.”

She stared at him, her mind a jumbled mess. It sounded too good to be true. This had to be a dream.

But it wasn’t. She had seen real, healthy love before. In her mom and dad. This was what her dad preached. This was what helped her mom keep a level head all these years.

Daniel was here. He knew, and he wasn’t scared. He didn’t think she was lying. He didn’t think she was weak or stupid for needing the medication. He was just here.

“Okay,” she said, her voice soft and broken but still hers. “Please stay. I can’t let you do it all, but I know I need help.”

His lips turned upward. “And I will definitely do that.”

“And for the record?”


“I love you too.”

His smile only grew. “Is it okay if I kiss you now?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “Please.”

Daniel leaned forward, capturing her lips with his. And now, with all of her secrets out in the open, it felt like things were finally in their proper place.

There was nothing fake about them anymore. From now on, it would only be real.



One Year Later

Amelia’s day was going by painfully slowly.

She had everything done for a week ahead. The bags were packed, the fridge was clean and empty of all perishable items, and her email inbox was empty.

She surveyed her apartment, feeling accomplished.

Ever since she left her last job, she had been remotely working from her apartment. Leaving the company where she had met Daniel was a hard choice, but she knew it was the right one. She didn’t fare well with gossip, and the inappropriateness of Cheryl had gotten too much to handle. She never thought she could deal with working from home, but everything seemed to have fallen into place when she changed her medication to something a little better suited for her type of ADHD.

Daniel had been nothing but supportive in the last year. True to his word, he drove her to appointments and supported her when changing to the new medication. And she was glad that she had. It was so much easier to keep herself organized.

Interestingly, it was he who was now falling behind on organization, at least at work. With the merger of another billing office at their old company, he was busier than ever, and Amelia knew he was lucky to be able to take a week off with everything going on.

He had been trying to find a job somewhere else. The addition of responsibilities didn’t come with a pay raise, and he didn’t get much support from corporate when he had to fire Dana for continuing to be inappropriate at work. He was tired of the hours and tired of the gossip too.

He had a few interviews lined up, and hopefully, one of them would work out. But first, he needed a break from the office.
