Page 118 of Fakecation

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“Amelia, I want this to be real.”

“But it’s not.”

Annoyance crossed his face again, and another voice spoke.

“God, Amelia. Everything going wrong in this relationship is because of you!”

“Are you saying that because you don’t want it to be real?” Daniel asked.

“No . . . I mean . . . I don’t know.”

“Answer me, Amelia. Why can’t you just figure it out for once in your life?”

“I just need to know what you expect of me. And if this will only ever be fake to you.”

Amelia didn’t answer. She couldn’t.

“Please, I just need an answer.”

But she was no longer in her apartment. She was back at her old place, the one she shared with Andrew.

“Answer me,” Andrew demanded. “Answer me right now.”

“I don’t have an answer, okay? I’m having a hard time right now with my—”

“What? With your ADHD?” The words were said mockingly. “You blame everything on that shit, Amelia. Grow up!”

“But it’s what’s going on!”

“Ugh! I’m sick of it!” Andrew yelled. He had been facing away from her, but he grabbed his phone, turned, and hurled it at her.

A hand grabbed her arm and she screamed, covering her head to protect her from an object heading right for her.

Then there was silence.

No phone hit the wall. No hands touched her and no objects shattered. Andrew didn’t continue yelling and throwing other things.

Nothing happened because she wasn’t in the old place anymore.

Daniel was standing in front of her, but he took a step back, his eyes wide. He looked at her like she was . . .


“Oh God.” Amelia sank to the floor, shaking as she remembered the last night she and Andrew had ever spent together. She put her hands over her face, unable to meet Daniel’s eyes.

She had been scared that he was going to hit her, of all things—that he was going to be like Andrew, who blamed everything on anyone he could find. She’d screamed as if Andrew had approached her, not Daniel.

He was silent, and she couldn’t expect anything else out of him. She was surprised he was even still in the apartment after what he’d just seen.

But it had been like she was back there, that specific night. All she could see was the terrible memories playing out over and over again.

And it hit her then. She’d heard of this before. PTSD. She never imagined she could have it, but she’d never been in a position like this before, arguing with someone she cared about because deep down, she’d been afraid of this happening.

And now it was going to push Daniel away.

Andrew had ruined her. That was just another thing to add to the laundry list of issues she had, issues that made her entirely wrong for anyone. Why would Daniel ever want to be with someone who was a basket case like she was, especially after leaving someone like Lucinda?

She wasn’t keeping her breath slow, and soon, she felt the tingling in her hands and the numbness in her face that told her she was having a panic attack.
