Page 102 of Fakecation

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Now her appetite was completely lost. “Thanks.”

“Anyway, enjoy your lunch. Just know I’m rooting for you two!” Cheryl replied.

It didn’t feel like she was at all. It almost sounded like Cheryl thought Amelia wasn’t good enough for Daniel.

And she almost agreed with that.

Amelia got up and walked to the trash can. When she did, she heard the voices of Andrea and Dana—just outside the break room.

“This is my time to make my move,” Dana was saying.

“Are we sure he’s even over Lucinda? I mean, she’s with his father.”

“He’s with Amelia,” Dana said. “And we both know that’s not going to work out. It’s a rebound. It has to be.”

“You can’t blame her, though. She has a chance with someone like that? All of us would take it, no matter how short-lived it might be.”

“The first relationship after a marriage never works. We all know it.”

Amelia stepped back. That was not the opinion she expected to hear. A rebound? Her?

She couldn’t be. Not with how he looked at her the night before, not with the flowers and the way he talked to her. This had to be more than a measly fling.

But it wasn’t. This was fake. She couldn’t be a rebound because this had an expiration date. Even if they hadn’t defined it. The thought made her heart sink, and she wasn’t sure why.

Chapter Twenty


Daniel knocked on Amelia’s door at five. He’d nearly worked himself to death to get to leave on time, but now all he wanted was to go to her apartment and relax.

She looked up, blinking when she saw him. Her lips pursed, almost as if she wasn’t happy to see him.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” he rushed to say. “I knew I needed to work through lunch in order to get to leave on time. But we can go now, unless you have more work to do.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “Thank you for the food you ordered. And we can go. I definitely need to.” Her tone was short.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” she said, but she closed her laptop with more force than usual. “I’m just ready to go home.”

“I am too. Let’s get out of here.”

Their walk to the elevator was quiet, and he could see the sharp edge of her shoulders.

He waited until their office building was behind them before asking her again.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem tense.”

Her gaze stayed on the window, and he wondered if she would even answer him.

“I forgot how catty people can be at work,” she said.

“Did someone say something to you?”

“Cheryl was there, and she was . . . weird. She said things about how all the young women in the office wanted you.”

