Page 99 of To Be Fated

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She is mine. My submissive, and her behavior will be dealt with.

I allow her to step closer, so close I can feel her heat, as she stomps toward me with a finger pointed at my chest, her lips parted to continue her display of rage, but she is stopped by my response. I scoop her ass up with one hand, squeezing that lush flesh. My cock hard and my primal need begging me to give her what she truly needs. It happens in a blur while my need to remind her who she is to me and what I can give her fuels me. I grab both the hands she sends flying to my chest and pin her wrists above her head as I push her back into the wall. Her body is hot against mine and does nothing to tame the beast inside of me. She screams out and struggles against me until I press my body against her.

“Don’t fucking hate me for something I can’t control, Kara.” Her breasts rise and fall as she takes in heavy breaths. With my lips parted slightly, I kiss her neck and wait for her to say it, but I pray she doesn’t. It fucking kills me that her neck is bare. I drag my lips up as my heart pounds against hers. She should be wearing my collar.

Mine. The possessiveness whispers in the back of my mind as she stills in my grasp.

She’s safeworded me every time since Galen’s tattled on me. Every time I put my hands on her, she’s safeworded me.

Hope kindles the fire between us as I kiss her neck again and feel her arch her back, letting out a feminine sigh of desire.

I murmur against the shell of her ear, “Is that the way to speak to your Dom?” Chills flow down her shoulder and she shudders with desire. I pull back to look into her eyes. Her hazel eyes flash with desperate need.

I know she wants this. I know she wants me. Although I wait for that one word to be uttered from her lips. Please don’t say it, my love.

She doesn’t answer me and I’m not sure how much to push her. I nip her jaw and then her earlobe. My cock jumps as she lets out a small moan and her head falls back against the wall.

“You need to be punished for talking to me like that.”

She swallows thickly with her eyes closed and then looks back at me to answer, “I’m sorry, Sir.” I repress my groan.

“Sorry isn’t good enough.” I lean in and whisper into her ear, letting my warm breath tickle her neck. “Especially when you took your collar off. My naughty little pet.”

The sweet smell of her arousal hits me, and I don’t even fucking care that a shudder goes through my body and a groan tears through my throat.

“You need to be spanked for your disrespect.”

When I open my eyes, she’s looking back at me with a hint of a smile. Her little hand comes up and cups my chin, “You really love me, Drago?” There’s doubt in her eyes.

“I do, my treasure. I love you, Kara.” I almost tell her she must be my mate, but I haven’t a way to know it. There is only lore and none of it ever suggested a human could mate with a dragon.

Her simper turns doleful, and I can tell she doesn’t believe me. It crushes me that she doubts what I tell her. But how could she not when I’ve lied to her before?

“Punish me, Drago.” Her sultry words slip between her lips as she kisses me with the heated passion I’ve missed. My dragon purrs inside of me, rubbing against my chest, loving the feel of her body on mine.

Quickly, I push my hand between her legs and feel the thin fabric shielding her core from me. I tear the lace easily and toss it to the ground. My lips are still on hers and I silence her gasp as I kiss her harder and play with her cunt. I test her, running my fingers up her slick folds all the way up her clit, which I give special attention. Every little movement from Kara is needy. She arches her back and presses herself into me. She’s fucking addictive. I groan into her mouth.

“So wet for your mate. You’re such a good girl.” Her head falls back against the wall as I push two fingers into her tight, welcoming heat. Fuck, she’s so tight. My cock hardens impossibly so. I curl my fingers and massage her g-spot. I watch in awe as her lips part and her breath comes in pants. A blush travels up her chest and into her cheeks. Fucking gorgeous. She swallows and moans as her body trembles ever so slightly. She’s so close.

All of a sudden, her head shoots forward and her eyes plead with me. “Don’t Drago, please.” I’m caught off guard. I instantly still inside her.

“What happened my treasure?” I’m careful with my words although my blood is scorching and my need barely contained. “What did I do? I won’t do it again.”

Tears well in her eyes and she swallows thickly. “I’m sorry Drago. Please don’t punish me like this again.”

Relief is instant as it hits me. She’s terrified I’ll deny her again. That’s what she doesn’t want me to do. With a smirk barely hidden, I kiss her and silence her pleas. I slip my hand from her heat and quickly shove my pants down to get my length lined up. As soon as I’m there I grab her hip to keep her steady and thrust into her heat. It’s a merciless single stroke. My mouth stays on hers, trapping her strangled cry. I pull out slowly and fuck back into her.

As my pace picks up, her nails dig into my shoulders and it’s then I give her all of me.

“I’ll punish you later treasure; right now, I need you.”

As a reward, she moans my name.

I leave open-mouthed kisses down her throat and run my teeth along her collar bone. She shudders under me and pushes her heels into my ass as I keep my steady rhythm.

She goes off beneath me, crying out my name once again as her tight walls pulse around my dick. Pushing her dress farther up, my hand moves to her clit and rubs along the sides of the throbbing nub. I want another one. I need her overwhelmed with pleasure. I rut into her as she trembles with her orgasm, riding through it as my own pleasure rises. She finally gasps for air and her hands fly to my jaw. She kisses me like she needs my lips on hers in order to breathe. My hand wraps around her neck as I keep fucking into her and kissing her with the same desperation.

I pull back as I feel her pussy tense up again. She bites her lip as she keeps her eyes on mine. I stare into her hazel eyes as I pound into her pussy—once, twice, three more times until we both find our release in unison. I catch her moans with my kiss and hold her tight to me until both of our orgasms have passed. Even then I hold her in my arms and just enjoy the feel of her against me.
