Page 79 of To Be Fated

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“Please don’t hurt me.” The sadness in her voice overwhelms me and causes my dragon physical pain. She has no idea what she does to us. How much control she already has, and I barely know her. Turning to look at her, I wait a moment before slowly reaching out, making my movements known. She watches with her lips parted and bated breath.

I take her small hand in mine and kiss her palm. The simple touch soothes the beast inside of me. The scent of her, the feel of her warmth…it’s calming in a way I’ve never known.

Rubbing a soothing circle on her wrist, I confide in her. “I will never hurt you, Kara.” Her eyes, glassy with tears, meet mine. “I promise you. I do not get enjoyment from causing pain. I will never do that to you.”

I will her to believe me, but she has no idea what to expect. She is reckless, she is young, and she is human. The logical side of me is reminded that it’s very possible she cannot mate. A human and a dragon…it’s unheard of and yet, I feel this way. Perhaps I am losing my mind.

Doubt creeps in further and I give her a tight smile as her shoulders curl and she shrinks away from me. I’ll give her one out. I have to. I can’t keep her here if she truly doesn’t want this. Deep inside I know she does, but if she can’t admit that to herself, then I’ll have to let her go.

“If you want to leave. Do it now.” She stares back at me in shock. “I’ll have the servants get you everything you’ll need.” I look deep into her eyes as I speak the next words. “I want you to stay. I want you here with me, but if that’s not what you want, then you can leave now.” It fucking kills me to say the words, the pain is brutal. My dragon leaps and claws in my chest, refusing to allow her to go. But I endure it, I have to. I have to give her the opportunity to leave. I just pray she doesn’t.

After a moment of silence, she shakes her head, her breathing calming ever so slightly. I need more than that.

“Do you want to leave?” Even as I say the words, I don’t know that I would hold myself to them. It feels fair and just to offer, but lies are spilling from my lips…as if I could ever truly let her go. “I’ll give you everything you’ll need to start fresh, Kara.” It would be maddening.

She murmurs a response that eases the burden for me. “I don’t want to leave.”

Rolling onto my side, I face her and ask, “Do you want to stay with me, at least for a little while?” I run my thumb over her cheek, and she leans into my touch.

“Yes.” I enjoy the feel of her for a little longer, listening to the steady cadence of her pattering heart calming. With a sad smile at my lips, I know she’s not going to like this next part, but we need to get past it.

“Treasure, I need to punish you. And then you won’t be so afraid.”

She stills beside me, her wide fearful eyes beg me and all I want to do is ease her worry. And I will.

“You want to stay; you will learn to take everything I give you.”

Her heart hammers and her breath quickens as the seconds pass, but she doesn’t try to leave me. “How?” she finally asks.

Relief is a blessing and a curse. Desire and need rage through me as I command her, “Lie on your back and spread your legs.” She gasps and inches away from me, banging her back onto the headboard. “Treasure”—my voice is laced with a threat—“do as I say.” I’m not going to fuck her. I debate on telling her that, but I don’t fucking want to. I want her to listen to me. I want her to obey me. My voice is stern as I add, “Now.” I stare into her eyes as she slowly lies on the bed. She shudders and closes her eyes. It doesn’t escape my knowledge that I am still very much naked, very much hard for her.

My blood burns in my veins as I sit beside her, ignoring the pacing of my dragon. I run a calming hand down her arm and the touch is everything I didn’t know I needed. I push her sleeve up and take her hand in mine. “Good girl.” I kiss the racing pulse on her wrist. Her eyes are still closed. I rub soothing circles over her wrist and speak slowly. “I’m not going to hurt you, treasure.” Her breasts rise as she takes a deep breath. “Do you believe me?”

After a moment of silence, she answers, “Yes.”

“I don’t want you to lie to me. I haven’t done anything that I know of that would make you think that I’m a liar.” I pause to let the first part really sink in for her. I kiss her wrist again and place a gentle hand on her hip. “But I also know that trust is earned.” Her eyes open and find mine. They widen with surprise and her hazel gaze holds so many questions. Her curiosity is my ally.

“I’m disappointed that you left me, treasure. That you were reckless, and you have unknowingly caused problems for me that cannot be undone.” I swallow, thinking of my brothers for only a moment before deciding they will be dealt with after, and only after, I’ve claimed Kara. “I am only angry because you put yourself in danger. Galen would never hurt you, but my dragon isn’t comfortable with you being around other men right now.” I almost tell her about her heat. I almost tell her how I wanted to kill Galen for even thinking about fucking her. But I keep my mouth shut. She doesn’t need to know why. “And dragons aren’t reasonable.”

“I didn’t mean to.” She finally speaks.

“You didn’t mean to what?” I question her.

“To see your brother.” Just hearing those words makes my dragon rage inside of me. I maintain a calm demeanor on the outside though, tempering my tone.

“I know you didn’t, little treasure.” I speak calmly. “You only meant to leave me.”

Her bottom lip wobbles and she turns her head to the side so she doesn’t have to look at me. “I’m sorry.” Her words are whimpered.

“What did I do that made you want to leave me?”

“Nothing.” I hate the answer she gives me. Nothing.

“Something happened, treasure. Tell me why you left or I’m going to have to punish you.”

“I don’t know. I’m sorry,” she whispers into the mattress.

I sigh heavily and put my hand on her thigh. “Spread your legs for me.” Her breath hitches and she finally looks at me. Fear blazes in her eyes. I lean down and gently kiss her lips, although hers don’t part for me or mold to mine. “I won’t hurt you.” I kiss her again and close my eyes, once again the touch is one-sided. “And you know what to say to make this stop,” I whisper into the warm air between us and take her plump lips with mine again. This time I can feel her relax beneath me; her lips press against mine ever so softly. My words comfort her. I pull back, but she takes my head in her hands and pulls me onto her lips again. I kiss her once more, but then pull away and give her a sad smile.
