Page 58 of To Be Fated

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This is for us. Only for us.

“I’ll be quiet, Alec. I promise.” She squirms, eager and wanton.

“Be still.” Her lips part as I pull my hand away to gently remove her undergarment. “Lie back and spread your legs for me.”

She easily obeys. Her blonde hair lays like a halo around her and her hands pinch her nipples, keeping them hard. The sight of her pleasuring herself has my dick harder than steel and begging to be inside of her. I lean down and suckle her clit while pushing a finger inside. Her hymen keeps me from fully entering her and makes me groan against her heat. Her tight walls pulse around my finger as she nearly reaches climax from just the vibrations of my groan on her clit.

“Good girl.” I lick her arousal off my fingers as I pull back, towering over her, knowing all too well what I’m about to do. Planting soft kisses on her belly and up the curve of her waist, I finger fuck her, my thumb on her clit, until she comes undone for me. Her thighs shake and I nip her, not enough to leave a mark, but enough to stifle my groan.

A blush rises up her chest as I line up my dick. Her head thrashes with the waves of her orgasm overwhelming her. I should do it now. I should rip through her virginity and take her while she’s lost in pleasure. The head of my dick stretches her walls as my thumb presses mercilessly against her clit. Her mouth parts and I know she’s going to scream from the intense sensation, so I quickly cover her mouth with mine and thrust all of me into her. In one swift move, I take what’s mine. Her back bows and I muffle her cries with my kiss. I’m still buried deep inside her and continue to rub her hardened nub. Her pussy pulses around my dick and slowly stretches to fit me.

I pull away slightly to look down at her. Her eyes are closed tightly as she continues to pant. Her skin is flushed a beautiful pink and her plump lips are parted. The sound of her shallow pants makes me worry that she’s in too much pain. I nuzzle her neck and plant a small kiss on the crook of her neck. “More, my love?” I wait with bated breath. Her arms wrap around my back and her blunt nails dig into my shoulders, keeping me close to her. I fucking love it.

“Yes!” I pull back just enough for her to feel the loss and I fucking love how her pussy grips my dick, wanting to keep me inside of her. I pump in again, all while watching her expression of ecstasy. “More, Alec.” She whimpers, keeping her eyes closed.

“Look at me.” Her eyes open as I thrust in and out with a slow pace. I grab her calf and put it against my chest as I push deeper into her. I hit her cervix with each thrust, making her breasts bounce and small whimpers escape. Fuck, it feels so damn good. Her eyes stay on mine the entire time and I fucking love it. She bites her lip as I increase my pace. I pull her ass off the desk, just enough not to hinder my pace, and thrust in even deeper. She cries out and I lean down to catch the sound of her pleasure between my lips. I bite her bottom lip gently and continue rutting into her heat as I feel my balls draw up and my spine tingles with my impending release.

I pull back and watch her writhe under me. “You’re such a good girl. Staring back at me like I told you to.” My words set her off again and she struggles to obey as her body trembles beneath me. Her mouth opens as her pussy clamps down hard on me while she comes. A cold sweat breaks out along my skin as I find my own release. I push deep inside of her, filling her. My come leaks in between us and onto my thighs. I fucking love it.

I lean down to kiss her with every bit of passion I have as I struggle to catch my breath. She breaks our kiss to lean her head back and breathe. “I love you, Alec.”

“I love you, Bella. I love you enough to do whatever it takes.”

I’ll never let them take her from me. Never.

I will burn the world before I let them take her.


In the Castle of Silver Isle

The smack of our boots against the hard, black marble echoes as we make our way toward the throne room. The fire crackles in the torches perched on the smooth walls of the long hallway, and the sight of the orange embers and bright flames warms my chest. It’s been too long since I’ve felt the need for fire.

“I don’t know why you care what the sorcerer has to say,” my brother mutters with disdain as we near the carved stone doors, shattering the small bliss I’d gained from the vision of the flames.

“I’ve grown bored, Cyrus.” I roll my shoulders and crack my neck as my palms slam against the hard stone and part the doors for us. They swing open with a loud groan, granting us access to the massive room. Our thrones stand tall in the back of the room, bathed in the glowing light on the far wall. The intricate metal shines with wealth and power.

“Grown bored of luxury, Drago?” Although Galen’s tone is teasing, he knows just as well as I do that this castle is tiring. There’s nothing of interest as of late and my inner beast craves a challenge.

“When was the last time you stretched your wings, Galen?” My brother narrows his eyes in irritation. “It’s been far too long for me.” Both brothers, one on either side of me, snort but fail to answer my question. I answer for them, “Nearly a decade.”

“You’re bored of luxury, yet I’m bored of fighting the weak.” I resist the urge to roll my eyes at Cyrus’s arrogance.

“Some fights were worthy.” He huffs in amusement. “If they weren’t, then there would be more than three dragons still in existence.” It’s a cold reminder and the chill of my words settles deep in my veins. The air around us grows thick as we separate and each take our place on our thrones. I take my seat in the center and enjoy the feeling of the hard, cold metal against my bare back. I strum my fingers along the arm of the throne and take in each of my brothers in turn.

Cyrus is the youngest by nearly a decade, although no one would know. The three of us are nearly identical in appearance even though we were birthed separate. My father’s genes are strong; we’re the spitting image of him. I remember his cold, dark eyes, nearly black, but they sparked red with his anger. We have his thick dark hair, sharp jawline, and high cheekbones. Our broad shoulders and hardened muscles complete the image of utter dominance and power.

“I see no point in any of this.” Galen’s cheek rests in his hand as he stares at the entrance to the dark room, waiting rather impatiently for our guest. The fire lit behind us adds a shadow to his face, making him appear even more angered and intimidating. The idea of his exasperation pulls a smirk to my lips.

“I agree.” The hint of my smile falls at Cyrus’s bland statement.

“You two used to be amusing.” I allow my irritation to be apparent as I sit farther back in my seat and straighten my shoulders.

“I have no use for the sorcerer, nor the humans for that matter.”

“It’s not about possession, it’s about the perception of power,” I respond coldly to Galen’s words.

His shoulders rise as Cyrus snorts a laugh. “Are you suggesting that our power is being questioned?”
