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Lowell lay there naked on the bed, watching him enter the room. He was tall, dark, and gorgeous, with a body that glistened in the moonlight shining in from the window. It was glorious, and Lowell waited, his heart pounding and his body aching. He moved slow and sexy like a wicked dream, with his hair hanging slightly over his handsome, chiseled face and his dark eyes bearing down on Lowell.

There was something about him that pushed beyond the normal and into the mystical it was a sense and a power that radiated off that amazing body. Lowell did not know him, but his heart and mind recognized him and opened to him as he approached the bed and ran his hand down the length of Lowell’s leg.

The touch was electrifying and sent a thrill up his spine and a tremble covered his body. “You’re so beautiful.” He said and Lowell warmed sweetly under his praise. His smile brought goosebumps rippling across Lowell’s flesh and the moment he joined Lowell on the bed was a moment of utter bliss. “I want you Lowell, I need you.” The words tumbling from his stunning lips were doing crazy things to Lowell’s body and sparking a need so deep he felt it in his toes.

"I need you too." Lowell gasped the words. This man had Lowell's hard leaking cock in hand and began to caress and stroke the heated flesh. Lowell rolled his head back and forth against his plush pillow, and the man trailed mind-numbing kisses down his chest.

The sensations were rocketing through him, and he didn't know how long he would last. As soon as his dream man took his heated cock into his mouth and down his throat, the finish was upon him. The act, so juicy and raw, pushed Lowell over the edge, and he came in a rush, shattering his thoughts and his mind as the world turned multi-colored and his vision blurred.

He looked down and saw the eyes of that amazing man staring up at him and then he saw the beast within. The wild heart of his dream lover was on display taking him and owning him. “You’re mine now, all mine.” He said and vanished pushing Lowell back to the surface from the depths of his sleep.

He shook himself awake and sat up looking around his one room apartment and trembled with the lasting effects of his nighttime lover. The dream had been ultra-realistic. He touched his body and felt the heat and the sweat, but he was alone it was only a dream.

“No one is going to just give it to us, if we want it we must be prepared to take it.” He yelled to his handful of followers. “The wise ones are of no use. Their power is outdated we need real leadership someone who is not afraid to fight for what is ours against the human encroachment.”

"What are you saying, Jaron?" One in the crowd spoke up but was shouted down.

"This mountain, this forest is ours, and it's time we forced out the growing cancer of humans, taking what doesn't belong to them," Jaron responded, shouting his plans and his anger. "This pack needs to be set free to grow and conquer. We are wolves, for fuck sake. We aren't puppy dogs to be led around and controlled. We are fierce warriors, and it's time for everyone to become aware of that fact. It's time we stopped hiding and reclaimed our land; the mountain is ours."

Some left feeling the hatred and violence too much and outside their tolerance, but others fed into the hatred and stoked the promise of violence. The Salida Pack was on track for a vicious and brutal transition of power.

Sean Brendon came to town at the invitation of his close friend, expecting a laid-back week of hiking and fishing, but instead found a pack in chaos. He and Eamon Cole often worked together and had just completed an assignment in Boseman, Montana, putting a pack and a coven back on civil, if not friendly, terms. It was what they did as members of the Paranormal Security Council. It was a body that was controlled by the Chamber of Elders.

The Chamber was made up of elected individuals from packs, covens and kindreds from across the land. The elders served for life and were chosen based on their age, activities, achievements and standing in their communities. The Security Council and the Chamber of Elders had been in existence for three generations, so it was a fairly new approach to governing but so far, they were honored and trusted institutions.

Sean and Eamon often worked together due to their friendship, similar backgrounds and outlooks, and the fact that they were both wolves. The Council saw them as a team in many respects, although Sean was from a pack in northern Maine, and Eamon called Colorado home.

"I'm sorry your vacation turned sour," Eamon said as they sat together having a beer at a downtown pub. Salida, Colorado, was a town of about seven thousand souls, both human and paranormal. Usually, it was a town of peace and relaxation, but today, the air was charged with an uncomfortable angst and uncertainty, and everyone could feel it, even the humans.

“Not your fault man the situation was not of your making.” Sean drank his beer and took in the clientele seated around him. Most were wolves from Eamon’s pack sitting drinking and waiting wondering about the outcome and wondering as to their place as some roles and responsibilities would change.

Eamon was an enforcer in his pack and his work was to maintain control and peace but that was a tall order these days. Fights were breaking out everywhere and keeping the humans unaware of the cause was also becoming an issue in itself. The pack and the human population had resided together for decades and yet the humans knew nothing of the supernatural forces and paranormal beings that lived literally next door.

“When and how did Alpha Smith die?” Sean knew that was the source of the upheaval, but he was curious as to the details. Leaving a pack without natural succession has always been seen as a recipe for chaos. Alpha Smith was a good man but failed to secure the peaceful transfer of power which went flat against the notion that he was indeed a good alpha.

"Axel was an old wolf. No one knew just how old. He showed some gray and had slowed some in the last few years, but I did not see this coming." Eamon looked distressed as he relived the death of his Alpha and friend. "The pack woke up three days ago to the fact that their alpha had died in the night."

“You weren’t prepared? Alpha Smith had not made any provisions in the event of his death?” Sean asked, still shocked by the lack of preparation.

"No." He shook his head. "Axel has been Alpha for the past three hundred years. He was a good man and a good alpha. No one ever thought he'd die, including me. It was stupid, I know, and now we're all paying for that stupidity." Eamon ordered another round of drinks, and he invited Noah, a fellow enforcer, to join them at their table.

“They’ve started the selection process but it’s not going smoothly.” Noah announced. “The wise ones are voting on three candidates that they believe would rule effectively.” Eamon had explained before that the wise ones were the elders, the leaders, cultural chiefs anyone over a certain age.

“What happens after the three are determined?” Sean inquired, having an idea of what would take place. Alpha challenges were messy things and most often meant to the death.

“We haven’t had an alpha challenge in many centuries. Axel took control after his father died very easy transition from what I’m told. I wasn’t there.” Eamon smiled.

“Is it to the death?” Sean visibly winced at the thought of pack members fighting each other to the death.

“I don’t know, and I certainly hope not. It would take a generation or more for the pack to heal from a wound like that.” Eamon’s unease was palatable, and Sean sincerely felt for his friend. This was his pack, and these were his friends and relatives. The upheaval was affecting them all.

"Any ideas who's being considered?" Sean asked. Eamon shrugged and looked at Noah, who seemed to be in the know.

"Not for certain, but I heard Murphy is a contender, as well as Jaron. I don't know who the third is."

"Perhaps O'Malley," Eamon interjected. "The man desperately wants the position." He said this with just the slightest of derision, so Sean figured O'Malley was probably not a good fit.
