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“Are you sure you’re okay?” she questions, her voice soft.

“I’m fine, baby,” I reply before pulling her closer, toward my chest.

We fall asleep like that, with me holding on to her. I’m more than a little worried about what she’ll say when she finds out what’s going on with my father.

The next day, we’re getting dressed for lunch together. I’m knotting my tie when Isabella steps forward to help me out with it. Her eyes are narrowed in a glare that has me arching an eyebrow.

“What’s up?”

“What happened when you went to D.C.? And if you say nothing and tell me you’re okay one more time, I’ll choke you with this tie,” she threatens.

I stare at her. “Anyone ever tell you violence is never the answer?”

“Once or twice,” she confirms.

“You’re lucky I find it hot,” I say with a grin, trying to distract her.

She’s unfortunately not so easily distracted. Her hands tighten around the tie, and choking me slightly in the process.

“Alright, fine. I’ll tell you,” I state and she releases me immediately, blue eyes curious. “I went to talk to my father. He found out about us.”

Her eyes widen. “What did he say?”

“We have lunch with your family in an hour, Isabella. I’ll tell you after.” She looks like she’s about to protest, but I shake my head. “Come on, baby. Just give me this. It doesn’t even really matter. I’ll tell you later, okay?”

“Fine,” she grits out before starting to work on my tie.

I stay still as she knots it, my eyes making a slow descent over her face. I take in the curve of her mouth and the tiny beauty mark on the side of it. By now, I know every single inch of her body.

I also know that every single inch is mine. And I’ll do whatever it takes to protect what’s mine.



Lunch is surprisingly not the disaster I thought it was going to be. Everyone’s on their best behavior—well, everyone except Enzo. He sits at the head of the table, trying for this tough guy act and clearly hoping to make Graham uncomfortable.

Graham takes it all in stride, though. He didn’t even blink when Enzo subtly reminded him that he has a lot of guns. I had to roll my eyes hard at that one.

The twins are perfect little angels and are so excited to see him. Then again, they were already obsessed with Graham before today so there weren’t any issues there. It’s hard not to be obsessed with him, I guess. Graham has a way of making anybody he comes across feel special.

Rosa took to him like a fish in water. She’s currently heavily pregnant, about to enter her third trimester. Her stomach is incredibly big and round, which is normal considering she’s carrying twins. Graham’s telling her about a crib for the babies that his company recently launched. Ever the businessman. Rosa’s sold on the crib by the time he’s done. She looks at her husband.

“We might need to make a trip to one of the Steele Industries stores, my love,” she tells him with a smile.

Enzo sighs. “Of course, principessa,” he says fondly. Then he looks at Graham. “So, Steele, do you shoot?” he drawls.

“Guns? Not very well,” Graham replies. “But I’ve been told I’m pretty good at archery. If you want, we can go hunting sometime. I’ve gone on a couple of trips with my father.”

I laugh into my cup. “There’s no way you’d get Enzo into the woods to hunt animals.”

“Yeah, my skills are better suited for people,” my cousin says meaningfully, eyebrow flicking up.

I roll my eyes. For the love of God.

Graham simply smiles. “Let me know if you ever change your mind.”

The meal ends quickly, thankfully. As soon as it’s over, Maria rushes over to Graham’s side of the table.

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