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“So, are you enjoying your birthday?” I ask her as we walk hand in hand down the Fifth Avenue sidewalk.

The roads are pretty busy, and there’s a constant stream of noise that’s typical of New York. But everything’s muted; my full concentration is on the woman at my side.

“Hmm, let’s see. I woke up this morning to the twins singing ‘Happy Birthday’ in my ear. They gave me adorable presents and warm hugs. We proceeded to the dining room and a huge breakfast had been whipped up by our cook. Enzo and Rosa also gave me presents. After that, I took the twins to school and went back home to watch some movies. It was nice. Add that to tonight and honestly, it’s been a pretty perfect day. The best birthday I’ve had in a while.”

“I’m glad,” I murmur.

She starts telling me about the presents she received as we continue our walk. We’re at an intersection and I’m about to suggest we turn back and return to the car when Isabella stops short. Her eyes are practically gleaming as she stares at something in front of us. I follow her gaze toward a club with loud music booming from the inside.

Isabella looks at me with a grin. “I have the perfect idea on how to end the night.”

I arch an eyebrow. “You want to go there?”

She nods.

“That’s a club, darling,” I tell her.

“I’m aware. Come on, it’ll be fun. We can have a drink or two and dance.”

I look at her for a seconds wondering if her body’s being hijacked or something. Isabella tugs on my hand.

“Come on, Gray. When’s the last time you had some fun?”

“Of this variety? A long time ago. I don’t go clubbing anymore.”

“But that’s ridiculous,” Isabella claims. “You used to love doing stuff like that. And changing doesn’t mean turning your back on all the things that made you happy.”

I scratch the scruff of my jaw, considering her words. “I wouldn’t say it made me happy, Sunshine. It was more of a distraction than anything else.”

“Well, then we can both be distracted tonight. Come on, it’s my birthday,” she implores.

I sigh softly. “Alright. One drink and then I’m taking you home.”

She nods in agreement. We cross the street and enter the booming club and it’s a little disorienting at first. The loud noise, the numerous bodies grinding against each other. It’s especially packed because it’s a Friday night. Isabella shoots me a grin, pulling me toward the bar. We place our drink orders and at her insistence, I’m downing my entire drink in one shot.

“Now we dance,” she says excitedly.

I’m a little awestruck as I let her pull me onto the dance floor. Her icy blue eyes stare me down in a sort of challenge. And then her body starts to sway to the music. I notice a couple of eyes swing toward us as she moves, and I can’t say I blame them. She looks like a fucking goddess. The black dress she’s wearing hugs her every curve, baring her shoulders and stopping high on her thigh. My imagination’s been running wild all evening, wishing I could lift that dress and feel even more of her.

When I notice a guy looking at her with more than a little interest, I glare, daring him to approach. He turns away as soon as he catches my eye. Smart guy. Isabella reaches for my shoulder, her expression more open than I’ve ever seen.

She gets on her toes to whisper in my ear, her voice sultry and entirely too appealing, “Come on, Gray. Dance.”

If someone had asked me a year ago what my favorite thing to do is, I would have said going on vacation, being on my own, or hanging out at a party surrounded by people. Now I’m starting to realize that’s changed. Because my favorite thing now is looking at this woman. Watching her laugh and seeing her lower her defenses. Watching her be free in a way she never really allows herself to be.

I hold on to her waist, pulling her closer, and our gazes connect. Exertion flushes her cheeks and her eyes sparkle in a way that makes my heart clench. Her dress is low cut in the back, and I’m unable to stop my hands from gliding over her smooth skin. She shivers at my touch and her eyes close for the briefest moment.

If I don’t kiss her right now, I’m going to spontaneously combust. My jaw clenches as I take in the bodies around us, the strobing lights, and the blaring music. I can’t kiss her in front of all these people. Isabella arches an eyebrow when I take her hand in mine. I pull gently, gesturing outside with my head. She nods once, allowing me to lead her out of the club.

The cool night air blows over our faces once we’re outside. But it does nothing to reduce the raging inferno within me. I let go of her hand, walking forward while running a hand through my hair in frustration.

“You okay, Gray?” Isabella asks from behind me.

I turn around abruptly. She takes a step back in surprise. And she must see something else in my expression because she takes another step back until her back is against the wall of the building. I blow out a breath, standing in front of her.

“We tried our best, Sunshine,” I start, my voice taking on a rough edge.

Her breath hitches. “What are you talking about?”

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