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“Aren’t you a bit old for a petty schoolyard rivalry?” I question, pressing the button for my office floor.

The elevator is empty and I exhale a soft breath as I lean backward into the wall. I went home early this morning to change after an all-nighter and now, two hours later, I’m back. I need a break. I don’t need anyone to tell me working this much isn’t healthy. Although Isabella never fails to remind me of that fact.

At least I have a day off planned soon. I technically didn’t do it for myself, though. It’s Isabella’s birthday and I wanted to take her somewhere. I already have it all planned out. All that’s left is convincing her.

Mikayla scoffs. “This isn’t just some petty schoolyard rivalry. I hate her and I wish she were dead. And if you were my real brother, you’d support me.”

“I am your real brother,” I say dryly. Mikayla’s dramatics are the last thing I need this morning. “But you’re right. She’s a total bitch and there’s no way in hell she’s better than you. How’s that for support?”

“It could use some work,” she retorts, although I can hear the smile in her voice.

I exit the elevator and walking toward my office. I pass by Taylor in her office and offer her a short nod in greeting. She smiles back at me.

“What really happened between the two of you, though?” I ask, referring to the bitch we’re supposed to hate. “Weren’t you two best friends?”

I distinctly remember that she and a blonde named Natasha were as thick as thieves until a couple of years ago.

“Yeah, we were. Until I slept with her brother,” Mikayla says under her breath.

I stop short, pausing in the process of taking off my jacket. “I’m sorry, come again.”

“I really don’t need your judgment right now, Gray. It was a mistake,” she mumbles.

“A mistake,” I drawl. “How would you feel if Natasha and I slept together?”

She groans. “Please don’t put that imagery in my head. I get it, I did something wrong. And I apologized, but she’s acting like I stabbed him or something. It’s pissing me off.”

I sigh softly. “Fix your shit, Mikayla.”

“Enough about me,” she says, clearly eager to change the subject. “What’s going on with you? How’s New York?”

“Fine. And nothing’s going on with me. I’ve been busy with work.”

“Seriously? Just work?” my sister questions. “I know you’re trying to be a changed man and all, but it’s like you’re a chameleon and you’ve changed your stripes. No more partying? Having fun?”

“I’ve been busy, Kay.”

“Hmm,” she says thoughtfully. “You know what they say, big brother. All work and no play…”

“I’ll stop working so hard when our father finally decides to lay off me. Until then, this is my life now,” I say on a grimace. “Don’t worry, it’s not so bad. I’ve actually been enjoying my time here in New York, work aside.”

“Let me guess, with the Russo woman? What’s her name again? Isabella?”

“Yeah. She and I have been hanging out.”

“Hanging out,” Mikayla repeats. “As in dating?”

“Not exactly,” I mutter.

She sighs. “You should probably also get your shit together, Gray. And don’t forget what’s at stake.”

“Yeah, I got it,” I say, frowning.

“Okay, now that we’re done. There’s someone here that needs to speak to you,” my sister announces.

There’s a light rustling on the other end. And then my mother’s voice is in my ear.

“Graham,” she says gently. “You’ve been avoiding my calls.”

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