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I grin. “But he’s so cute. Okay, fine, what team does Lewis Hamilton play for?”

“Mercedes,” he says dully. Then, suddenly, he’s yelling at the TV. My gaze moves up and I notice one of the cars speeding past another. “Fucking hell, pick up the pace Leclerc. Your shitty starting position doesn’t matter.”

I am deeply amused. “Alright, fine. Since I’m stuck watching this for the next two hours, you might as well explain all this to me.”

“Okay, so first thing you need to know is that Formula One involves a series of races taking place across a couple of months in different locations around the world. They’re called Grand Prix.”

He starts explaining everything I need to know about the sport while we watch, providing commentary and letting me know key aspects. I actually start to get into it. It’s interesting watching the drivers race at ungodly speeds; a little nerve-racking but fun nonetheless. Plus, it reminds me of yesterday, being in the car with Graham and feeling everything else fall away.

I’m still watching the race with Graham when the twins wake up, and they even join us. He stays on the phone with me the entire time and they chat with him, too. I can’t remember the last time I had such a peaceful morning.

And even better, the dream I had is the last thing on my mind by the time the race ends. Instead, I’m beaming because Lewis Hamilton finished first. Graham’s a little grumpy about it, but that does nothing to put a damper on my excitement.



Ismile as my nephew walks into my office hand in hand with his father. My brother takes a look around the office with a smirk. I ignore him as I get to my feet to stand in front of Nate.

He’s in his school uniform, which means they came here directly after his dad picked him up. I wasn’t expecting a visit, but it’s pretty great to see them. Especially Nate. It’s been forever since I saw the kid.

“Hey, buddy,” I greet, ruffling his curly brown hair. “How’s it going?”

He frowns, looking up at me. “You do live in New York, right, Uncle Gray?”

I tilt my head to the side in confusion. “Yeah… temporarily,” I reply, looking up to his father, who’s wearing a secret smile.

My brother shrugs when he catches my questioning glance. He heads over to my desk, gaze moving over the files on my desk. I don’t comment on that, looking back to the kid.

“What’s up?” I ask Nate.

“If we live in the same city, then why don’t we see you as much? You haven’t come for dinner once—not once, Uncle Gray. Do you not like us?” he asks.

And I immediately feel bad because he’s clearly upset.

“Woah, woah, woah,” I state, getting on one knee so I’m eye level with him. “Of course I like you, buddy. Your dad, on the other hand…” I trail off, making him laugh. “But really, I’m sorry. I should have made time to see you. Work’s just been crazy busy.”

I honestly barely have any spare time to myself. There’s always one thing or the other to do. I might have been sent here to act in a managing director capacity, but I’m still vice president of the company, which means I’ve got a lot of responsibilities, meetings, and piles of paperwork. I have to fly out to D.C. in two days for a board meeting. I’m being stretched thin right now.

I suddenly realize that the meager amount of free time I’ve had in the past few weeks has been spent with Isabella. Which is pretty unfair to my nephew.

“I have an idea,” Nate states, green eyes gleaming. “You could come live with us. That way, we’ll get to see you a lot.”

Behind me, I think I hear Xander choke on something. The idea just as horrifying to me as it is to him. I chuckle softly, deciding to poke some fun.

“You know what? That sounds like a great idea, buddy. You, me, your dad, and your mom, all living in the same house. Oh, and don’t forget your grandfather.” And the numerous mafia men constantly guarding the house. “We’ll all be one big happy family.”

Nate nods like that sounds great to him. Despite the fact that what I just described sounds like a movie where everyone ends up dead. Or, at the very least, I do.

“Not a chance in hell, Graham,” my brother calls out.

I grin. “You heard the man. He’s the one keeping me away now.”

Nate shoots his dad a betrayed look.

“Since I can’t live with you, I will be coming to dinner this weekend. Sunday sound good? Tell your mom so she can cook something nice.”

Nate laughs. “My mom doesn’t cook.”

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