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Okay, then.

“Looks like I’m just going to have to turn your frown upside down myself,” I state. “I’m sure you’ll lose it once you see what I have planned today.”

“Yeah, about that, exactly where we going?”

“It’s a surprise, Sunshine.”

“I don’t like surprises.”

“Everyone likes surprises,” I retort. “And come on, we’re almost there. Just a twenty-minute drive.”

She huffs before crossing her arms and falling silent. She doesn’t say a word the entire way there.

Damn, I wonder what her cousin did to upset her.

It’s kind of annoying because I was practically counting down the days until I got to see her. And now that she’s here, she’s less than enthused. We finally arrive at the racetrack and I find a parking spot right by the entrance. Isabella eyes the large sign in front of the entrance for a second before turning to me.

“No way,” she says, eyes widening.

“Way,” I retort with a grin. “We’re going racing, baby. Get down.”

I step out of the car but Isabella resolutely stays inside, arms crossed over her chest. I sigh before rounding to the passenger side and opening the door. I grab her arm amidst protests, pulling her out.

“I’m not interested in racing cars. Isn’t that dangerous?” she asks once I manage to get her outside.

“Okay, first off, you’re not racing anyone. And neither am I. It’s just high-speed driving. Don’t worry, I won’t force you behind a wheel. And secondly, it’s not dangerous. It’s relatively safe, Sunshine. Trust me.”

Her blue eyes narrow. I can see her thinking it over before she finally nods.

“Fine. Since we’re already here, we might as well go.”

“Great. One last thing, Isa. This is one of my happy places. So I’m going to have to ask you to keep the pissy attitude outside. Okay?”

She stares at me for a second before nodding. “Okay, fine. Let’s go.”

I lead her inside. I haven’t been to this place in months, not since my brother came here and ambushed me. I really missed it here. I miss the tracks, the car, the adrenaline, how it feels behind the wheel. I’d been taking it easy the past few months but I figured I’d bring Isabella here, introduce her to the good life. And she might be acting like this now, but I guarantee once she’s in a car, she’ll love it.

I spot Benny a couple feet away and wave at him. He walks over with a bright smile on his face.

“Mr. Steele,” he says pleasantly. “I was starting to worry you wouldn’t be coming here anymore.”

“Nothing could keep me away for too long, Benny. How’s it going?”

“I’m good, sir. It’s nice to see you back.”

“Nice to be back.” I notice his gaze on Isabella, whose eyes are busy roaming the expansive tracks. “Oh, this is my friend. She’s going to test out the tracks with me today. Did you get any new cars in the time I’ve been away?”

He suggests a McLaren M8 and leaves to prepare it while I turn to face Isabella.

“This place is pretty cool,” she says, looking up at me. “You come here often?”

“Not nearly as much as I like.”

“How long have you done this?”

I think about it for a moment. “I first started racing cars in high school. The family of a friend of mine owned a huge piece of land that was perfect for racing. We’d place bets and race at night. It was exhilarating, fun. It’s actually one of the ways my brother and I bonded when we were in high school. Xander liked racing cars, too. Then there was a small accident where one of the cars we were racing caught on fire?—”

Isabella’s eyes widen and I’m quick to reassure her.

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