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I arch an eyebrow when Taylor still doesn’t move.

“It’s just I feel bad leaving when you still have so much to do,” she says gently. “Maybe I could help you compile all the records into one document so you could look through them on a screen instead of poring through endless paper,” she suggests.

I’m really grateful she’s trying to help, but it’s really not necessary. “That’s fine, Ms. Evans. Looking at screens for a long period of time isn’t really my thing. My eyes are already pretty sensitive.”

“Shouldn’t you get glasses for that?” Taylor asks.

“I don’t need glasses,” I mutter.

She smiles, her dark brown eyes dancing. “Don’t tell me it’s an ego thing? You don’t want to get glasses because you’re worried it’ll ruin your swag or something,” she teases.

My jaw clenches. I lean back in my seat to look at her better.

“Taylor, what exactly are you still doing here?” I ask. “Because you got off work thirty minutes ago, which means you should be long gone.”

Her lips turn down in a frown. “Why are you mad? I only suggested you get glasses before you ruin your eyesight.”

“Suggestion noted. Now leave,” I snap.

She huffs out a breath. “You’re such a jerk, Gray.”

After glaring at me, she turns to leave.

“Don’t forget your professionalism when you come in for work tomorrow, Ms. Evans,” I call out after her.

She pretends not to hear as she walks out the door. Once she’s gone, I exhale softly, running a hand through my hair.

Her suggestion rubbed me the wrong way. Only because I’ve considered the fact that I actually might need glasses. My eyesight’s not terrible, but if I stare at a screen for a long period of time, things do start to get blurry.

Despite that, I have no interest in getting glasses. I’ve considered contacts and while I’m good at putting my fingers in some places, my eyes aren’t one of them.

Things are quiet in my office for a while after Taylor leaves. The silence helps me focus on the task at hand as I go through as many documents as I can. I barely notice the passage of time until my phone lights up and starts to ring. My lips involuntarily pull up into a smile when I see the caller ID.

“Hey, Sunshine,” I greet upon answering the call. “Miss me already?”

I’m pretty sure she rolls her eyes. “Why would I miss you? You’re a menace. To society and to my sanity.”

“Says the person calling me at ten p.m.,” I toss back. “Shouldn’t you be in bed? What’s up?”

“I just wanted to make you’re not still at work.”

“Of course I’m not still at work,” I lie, my voice even.

She sees through my bullshit regardless.

“You’re lying. Seriously, Gray? It’s after ten. This is, what? The third night in a row? Go home, Graham. Human beings need to sleep in beds.”

“But the couch in my office is equally as comfortable,” I protest.

Which is another lie.

She mutters a couple of swear words in Italian, making me chuckle.

“I’m busy, Isabella. I can’t help being busy,” I tell her.

“No, but if you keep going at it like this, I’m pretty sure it’ll have adverse effects on your health.”

“Tell you what, if I fall sick, I’ll let you nurse me back to health.”

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