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“Do you want something?” he asks, gesturing at the counter. “Coffee?”

I think about it for a second. “Yeah, sure. An iced caramel macchiato, please.”

He nods, standing up to get it. I watch him go, not missing his expression. He’s a little angry, finally. I’m angry, too, about this entire situation. I don’t blame him for what he said. I get it. My entire life, people have always avoided me because of who my family is.

When Graham returns, it’s with two cups of coffee. He hands over mine before sitting down. We sip our drinks in silence for a couple of minutes. I can tell he’s finding it hard to figure out where we go from here. Luckily for him, I already thought it all out.

“Do you think you’re more physically attracted to me or emotionally attracted?” I ask.

Graham’s momentarily startled. “What the hell kinda question is that?”

I continue like I didn’t hear him, “I mean, we’ve technically only known each other for a couple of days. It would make sense if it’s just a physical attraction. I am hot and we have had sex,” I state.

Graham shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

“Come on, Gray. Be a big boy. Tell me what you want from me,” I prod.

He frowns. “I want you,” he manages to say.

I roll my eyes. “I’m not a toy, Graham. You can’t just say you want me. Why do you want me?”

His jaw clenches. It takes a long moment before he replies.

“Because I just do, okay,” he states.

I twirl a finger around the rim of my cup, studying him. “You wanna know what I think?”

“Actually, Sunshine, I preferred it when you were rambling about how hot you are,” he teases, probably trying to lighten things up.

He hates having hard conversations. Unfortunately for him, this is important.

“I think this is all just a game to you. I was a mystery three months ago, which is probably why you couldn’t get me out of your mind. But now that you know who I am, you’ve solved the mystery. The thing is, I also happen to know that you get bored easily, Gray. So what happens when you grow tired of the game?”

His jaw clenches. “This isn’t a fucking game to me.”

“You don’t have to get so defensive.” I smirk. “It was just a question.”

“Oh, yeah?” he presses, eyes gleaming dangerously. “Your turn, Sunshine.”

“My turn, what?” I ask casually.

“Tell me why you sought me out at the wedding. What do you want from me?”

I’m momentarily speechless. I hadn’t been expecting him to turn the question on me.

“I never said I wanted you,” I say slowly, trying to talk my way out of this.

It’s always so hard to be completely honest with a person. There’s this innate desire embedded in everyone not to be vulnerable. People can hurt you. And with Graham, I’m keenly aware that he’s in a greater position to hurt me than anyone else.

I should probably tell him that he consumes my thoughts and that I miss him when he’s not around. I should tell him how much I like spending time with him and how I’ve spent so many nights lying awake and wishing he was next to me. But I can’t tell him that.

Because we’re practically doomed. He’d probably call that melodramatic. But that doesn’t make it any less real.

“Bullshit,” Graham says in reply. “You want me.”

I grit my teeth. He’s always so sure of himself. It’s annoying.

“Okay, fine. I can’t deny that there’s a pull, sexually. Obviously, we’ve had sex before, so I guess we can’t be blamed if our bodies are looking for a repeat performance.”

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