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“Because my appearance at the event is only a courtesy. Our family doesn’t have close ties with them. But an invitation was extended and we have to go because our absence could be interpreted to mean that things aren’t alright between our families.”

“You already missed the wedding,” I point out.

Enzo smiles. “I’m sure my appearance at the reception will be enough.”

We finally arrive at the gate leading in to the venue. The security is tight, but after a couple of questions ascertaining our identities and a quick sweep of the car, we’re allowed to drive in. I’m not sure why they were checking the car when they should be searching the men instead.

I’m sure Enzo has at least one gun on him right now. But I guess the Mincettis understand that they can’t prevent them from coming armed. Enzo finds a parking spot after a few seconds and I quickly step out of the car. My stomach flutters as I stare at the building. I almost talked myself out of coming. It would have been so easy to back out. But I decided to be a big girl about it.

After all, I haven’t seen him in months, and I did make a promise. The wedding of Katerina Mincetti to his brother is the perfect place to fulfil that promise. Another car parks right behind ours and Jason steps out, along with two other capos. They’re here for protection, in case things go south.

Enzo steps around the car and gives me his arm. I wrinkle my nose at him before taking it. He starts to lead me into the building.

“We go in, greet the happy couple, have a drink, maybe eat something, and then we’re out, okay? An hour tops.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Are you expecting trouble?”

That would be horrible on Katerina’s big day. Enzo shakes his head.

“This is the first time in a very long time that four powerful families have gathered together for an event. There’s peace right now. But that could always change in an instant. So be careful and don’t leave my side. Understand?”

“Sure,” I tell him.

That’s a lie. I fully plan to go off on my own and seek out Graham the minute Enzo’s distracted. I just hope he doesn’t see me before I see him.

We arrival inside the beautifully decorated ballroom. There are a lot of people in here, all of them standing around holding glasses of champagne and involved in one conversation or the other. My eyes roam the room, and I spot the newly married couple first.

Katerina Mincetti and Alexander Steele hold court in the middle of the room. She’s already changed out of her wedding dress and is wearing a simple white cocktail dress that exudes elegance and sophistication. She looks stunning with her blonde hair in a slicked-back ponytail. Her arm is around her husband’s. They both look amazing and happy.

“I see Rome,” Enzo states. “Let’s go talk to him first.”

I nod distractedly, still looking around the room. But I don’t see Graham anywhere. I let Enzo drag me along as he greets his friends. I smile and wave politely at all of them, but I’m more focused on finding Graham.

Where the hell is he?

Soon enough, Katerina and Alexander make their way over to our group. They exchange pleasantries with the De Lucas and then they’re facing us.

“Enzo, I’m so glad you could make it,” Katerina says warmly.

“Yeah, I unfortunately missed the wedding, but I do wish you two all the happiness,” Enzo says to them.

“Thank you,” Alexander nods.

It’s a little surreal looking at him because he looks so much like his brother. There are some differences, of course, but they have a lot of similar facial features.

“This is my cousin, Isabella,” Enzo introduces.

“Hi,” I say with a small smile. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Katerina states and I can’t help but wonder how many times she’s had to say that today. It must be tiring, but I’m guessing getting to spend a lifetime with her husband is worth it.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” I say to her. “You look amazing.”

“You do, too. And it’s nice to meet you.”

“You’d be interested to know, Katerina, that Isabella here is a big fan of yours.”

I jab my elbow in my cousin’s stomach for that comment. He simply chuckles, while Katerina smiles.

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