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“Mr. Steele, the board meeting is in two hours. It’ll take time to edit the entire report. If you could just tell me what exactly the problem is so I can pass it along to the team in charge.” My secretary’s voice is business-like—clear, concise, straight to the point.

She doesn’t take any bullshit. It only took me two days to realize how effective she is. That was three weeks ago, and we’ve been working together ever since.

“If they can’t figure out the problem on their own, Ms. Evans, then maybe they shouldn’t have their jobs in the first place,” I point out.

“You don’t mean that,” she says astutely. “And I’m sure you’ve already made the corrections, sir. So if you could hand it over, I’ll be sure to revise appropriately and inform them of the mistakes.”

I smile. She’s good. “Playing hardball, Ms. Evans?”

“Of course not, Mr. Steele.”

“Alright, I’ll be up there in a second. I’ll send the file to you then.”

I hang up and enter the elevator that has a couple of our employees inside. They all offer me short nods and smiles.

“Good morning, Mr. Steele,” a red-headed woman greets as I stand next to her.

“Hello, Linda. Wonderful day, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sir.”

The ride is comfortably silent as we go up. By the time I get to the topmost floor, I’m the only one left in the elevator. This floor is reserved for only the CEO of the company and, recently, the vice president. My office should be on the floor before this, but my father moved me up here when I got the position because, in his words, I need to be closer so he can monitor me better.

Although, really, he’s only made use of the proximity to yell at me for every little thing that goes wrong.

Taylor’s standing beside my door, holding a cup of coffee. She’s wearing a burgundy two-piece suit, her brown hair twisted into a bun. I’m still not sure why she’s working here and she hasn’t told me. A part of me believes that she was only employed because her father and mine go way back. I’ve known Taylor for a long time. Our families are close, business partners, our fathers are best friends.

When she got the job, we agreed to keep things strictly professional. I’m her boss, she’s an employee, that’s it.

“Good morning, Mr. Steele,” she greets.

“Ms. Evans,” I say, accepting the coffee cup with a grateful smile. “How was your night?”

“Quite well, thank you,” she replies, following me into the office.

I take off my jacket, hanging it on the coat rack by the side of the office before sitting down. Taylor stands in front of me.

“What do you have for me?” I ask.

“These require your signature,” she says, dropping a couple of files on my desk. “You have the board meeting at ten and then a meeting with the head of our factory in New Jersey at two. I tried to schedule the conference call with the investors in Japan but they don’t seem interested in speaking to you, sir.”

My jaw clenches. “Alright, is that all?”

“Also, your father asked you to come into his office as soon as he arrives. His assistant informed me that he would be here in ten minutes.”

I sigh, rubbing the space between my eyes. What does he want to yell at me for now?

“Got it. Thank you, Ms. Evans. I’ll send the edited version of the report to your email now.”

Taylor nods once before walking out of the office. Once she leaves, I decide to sign as many documents as I can before my father arrives. Exactly ten minutes later, Taylor calls to inform me that he’s here. I stand, adjusting my tie before walking to his office.

I knock on the door and wait for him to call me in before entering. He’s seated at his desk, wearing tiny spectacles and poring over some files. He doesn’t immediately look up at me.

“Good morning, Father,” I say, crossing the length of his office to sit in front of him.

He nods but continues to make me wait. He doesn’t look up until he’s done reading whatever it is in front of him. He likes ignoring people like that, making them uncomfortable. It’s a business tactic he’s honed perfectly. Or maybe he’s trying to teach me patience. I resist the urge to start tapping my feet. It’ll only get me a lecture about how I need to learn better control or whatever.

When his looks at me, his eyes are hard.

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