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“Just those three.”

“And you all live in the same house?”

She nods. “It’s nice having family close. I didn’t use to think that, though. There was a time I wanted nothing more than to get out of the house because it was filled with people I hated. But in recent years, things have really improved. It’s easier to breathe there.”

“People you hated?” I prompt.

Isabella makes a face, grabbing the vegetables I’ve finished chopping. She starts to prepare the food and I start to think she’s not going to reply.

“You’re really nosy, you know that?” she asks.

“It’s not my fault you’re acting all mysterious. Plus, we’re bonding. How are we going to get to know each other if you don’t tell me anything?”

She grabs one of the pots and fills it with water before placing it on the burner.

“My father was one of those people,” she says softly without looking at me.

My eyebrows rise. “Was?”

“Was. He died a long time ago.”

My heart aches for her. I can’t imagine the pain she must have gone through. “I’m sorry, darling.”

“I’m not,” she says softly. “Trust me, Graham, he was a terrible person.”

“He was still your father, though.” I know all about having complicated relationships with fathers. But if my old man died, I’d certainly feel grief.

“Yes, and he did a lot of damage. Damage only a father could have inflicted.”

That last statement resonates deep within me. She doesn’t say anymore, and I don’t ask. I take the chance and change the topic.

“So, what do you listen to? Since my playlist is so abhorrent.”

There’s a smile on her face when she turns around. “I never said it was abhorrent. I actually like the songs.”

“What’s your playlist like?”

She thinks about it for a second. “A lot of country music. I like rap and some EDM, too.”

“Huh,” I say, impressed. “I never would have guessed. But it suits you.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she says before going back to her cooking.

I watch her cook for a long time, taking note of her little expressions, the way she moves. She bites her bottom lip sometimes. It’s a thoroughly unconscious act. And one that keeps bringing my gaze to her full pink lips.

“I think that’s the longest you’ve gone without speaking or moving around. You’ve been watching me for several minutes. It’s creepy.”

My eyebrows rise. She’s right. I’m never that still. But while watching her, everything in me seems to grow silent, even my thoughts.

“Not my fault you’re so beautiful, darling,” I drawl. “I like watching you.”

Instead of smiling or blushing like I was hoping, Isabella rolls her eyes. “If you have time to stand around watching me, you might as well set the table. The food will be ready soon.”

My jaw nearly drops. I compliment the woman and she decides to order me around. Unbelievable.

“Aren’t you a little ball of sunshine,” I say sarcastically.

She smirks. “I know, right? What are you still waiting for? Table, now.”

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