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She peers at me with her big blue eyes, “You know, you like asking questions I’m not going to answer.”

“I blame you for that predicament,” I state before sighing. “Fine, keep being mysterious. I’m going to get another cup of coffee.”

“Not sure that’s a good idea,” she says as I walk out of the living room.

“I didn’t sleep a wink last night because I was watching you, Isabella. Trust me, I need coffee,” I call back.



There are worse things than walking up in the house of a stranger after being drugged the night before. That’s what I keep telling myself. I’m trying very hard not to freak out, and he’s helping make that really easy.


When I woke up and found him seated beside the bed, my first reaction was terror. Then I calmed down and really looked at him, and I was a little blown away. He’s good looking in a way I’m sure would cause most women to swoon. A face like this is found on the covers of magazines. Chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, black hair that’s thick and wavy. He’s also pretty tall with a tan complexion and really nice eyes.

His eyes are the first thing I’m sure anyone notices about him. They seem to glimmer, while also carrying a hint of mischief. His attractiveness aside, there was something else about him, something about the way he looked at me that made me immediately feel safe.

Which is ridiculous because after last night, I shouldn’t feel safe in the company of any man. Not to mention one whose home I’ve somehow involuntarily found myself in. I was going to leave after breakfast. But then he told me his name.

Graham Steele.

I know who he is. My family’s very well connected in New York, especially with the other mafia families. And in the past few months, there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the Steeles and the Mincetti family. I looked up the Steeles one day out of boredom. I remember coming across a picture of Graham, but it wasn’t until he said his name that I put two and two together.

And if I can find out who he is, then he can certainly come to a realization about who I really am. Plus, the Steeles are tech geniuses. It wouldn’t be hard for him to figure it out. He might be his family’s roguish prince, but I have no doubt he’s just as smart as any of them.

“So, how’s the headache?” Graham asks, walking back into the living room.

He’s holding a box of crackers and munching it down happily. It’s pretty clear the man likes to eat. He scarfed down his breakfast in only a matter of seconds. I had to hide my surprise.

“It’s better now, thank you.”

He’s nicer than I expected. From what I’ve heard about him, I thought he’d be an arrogant, rude asshole who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else. But so far, I’ve only seen the arrogance. He saved me and apparently watched over me while I slept. It’s kind of sweet, and I can’t help but wonder why he’s acting like this. He doesn’t even know who I am.

“Another one. You’re on a roll, darling,” he says, shooting me a wink.

I roll my eyes. “So what do you propose we do while you’re keeping me hostage here?”

He walks over and takes a seat on the couch beside me. “I don’t know. You tell me. What do you want to do?” he presses, facing me.

“How about you tell me about yourself?” I suggest.

He cocks his head to the side. “So I’m supposed to talk about me when you refuse to talk about you?”

“Yeah, pretty much. You seem like the kind of man who loves talking about himself.”

He doesn’t deny that. He just runs his hand through his hair. “Okay, where do I start? What do you want to know?”


“Really? So… should I tell you about the time I broke my arm playing football in high school? Or how I’m a man of many talents? I sing pretty well, I’m good with computers, I’m pretty fucking smart,” he drawls with a small smile on his face.

I can’t help but smile back. “You’re also really full of yourself.”

“Comes with being amazing,” he says on a shrug. “Or we could get into the deep stuff. Graham’s Steele’s most defining moment. Do you want to hear about it?” he asks.

There’s a challenging glint in his eye, like he’s daring me to say no. And he wants me to say yes at the same time. My heart starts to race.

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