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And just like that, my mood crashes. My jaw clenches.

“She knows better than to send you to me. I’ll return her calls when I fucking want to.”

“She’s just worried about you, Gray. She said you haven’t spoken to her in ages. I know you think you’re punishing her, but you’ve been punishing her for months. Hasn’t she had enough?”

“Kay, drop it,” I grit out.

“I just don’t think you’re being fair!” my sister exclaims.

“And I think I’m done with this conversation.”

Before she can say anything else, I’m hanging up the call. It never ceases to amaze me how the mere mention of my mom can bring my mood completely crashing down. I head for the fridge; I need something a little stronger than Coke. I’m reaching for a bottle of beer when I remember the invitation I received earlier.

Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to attend the party.

Coming here was a terrible idea. But I learned early on in my life that any experience will automatically be upgraded once you get some alcohol in your system. The party’s in a club with booming music and dancing bodies everywhere. It’s exactly the place I used to thrive. And the best place for a distraction.

I’m heading for the bar when a woman sidles up in front of me. She’s seemingly drunk, about 5’8” with short brown hair and wide blue eyes. She trails a finger down my chest, which is bare thanks to a couple of open buttons.

“Hey, handsome,” she greets, leaning up to whisper in my ear.

I manage a smile. The problem with Boulder is that it’s a city that’s home to the University of Colorado. Which means half the women I usually run into here are way too young for me. When I’m in town, I usually stay away from the locals and the college kids. And the girl in front of me looks very much like a college kid.

“You look amazing, beautiful. But I’m not interested,” I tell her, raising my voice slightly so I’m heard over the music.

She pouts but is ultimately a good sport about it, walking away to find someone else. I hope she has fun tonight. I continue making my way toward the large expansive bar. Once I arrive, I take a seat in front and call for a waiter. I order a drink and it’s made available almost a minute later.

I take a sip, looking around the club. I’m trying to see if I can find Sloane, although I doubt I will. Besides, I’m not in the mood for company. Just a couple of drinks to let loose. When I’m done with my drink, I turn to order another one. Which is when I notice a woman a couple feet away from me at the bar.

I stare for a couple of seconds. And why I try to look away, I find my gaze being drawn back to her again. She’s fucking gorgeous. She’s wearing a backless, purple mini dress that hugs her body in all the right places. Her brown hair is in loose curls, pulled over one shoulder. I can’t tell what color are eyes are from here, but I already know they’ll be mesmerizing. The confidence with which she carries herself is fucking sexy.

I watch as she orders a drink from the bartender. Once it arrives, she takes a sip, her gaze moving around the club, just as mine was earlier. She looks at ease, in control, with a fierce look in her eyes. When a man approaches her out of the crowd, I almost want to tell him not to bother. From the way he looks, a woman like her wouldn’t give him the time of the day.

I’m proven correct when she rolls her eyes at the sight of him. He says something to her but she doesn’t seem interested. He’s gone in only a manner of seconds.

I continue to watch, intrigued, as she turns down another guy in a matter of seconds. I’m surprised she doesn’t notice how hard I’m staring at her. And I’m also trying to figure out if it would be worth it to go over there and talk to her. I’m not daunted by the number of men she’s turned down tonight. They weren’t me.

But something’s holding me back. So I continue to observe, my intrigue growing by the second. My phone rings suddenly, distracting me and I wrench my eyes from the woman to grab it from my pocket. It’s a call from my father. My jaw ticks at the sight of his name flashing across the screen. I already know what he has to say. He’s probably calling to make sure I’m not getting up to any shit here.

With a soft sigh, I get to my feet, heading for a quieter area in the club in order to receive the call.

“Yes father?” I say upon answering.

His voice is crisp and clear on the other hand. My father speaks to all of his children like he’s speaking to a business associate.

“Graham, I’ve been informed that you’re in Colarado.”

“You were informed correctly,” I retort unable to keep the snark from my voice.

He ignores it, “Ensure you don’t do anything to embarrass our family while you are there. You and I are both aware of your past escapades in that town. Anything you do will reflect poorly on the rest of us.”

It’s the same shit I’ve been hearing since I was a kid. It’s never stopped me from doing whatever the hell I want however.

“You realize this is the first time you’ve spoken to me in weeks, right?”

My old man has been giving me the shoulder since I fucked up with Xander and Nate, exposing them to the press. Granted, it’s a punishment I deserve but it still pisses me off that he’s only calling to make sure I don’t embarrass him.

“Because you disgraced our family, like you always do.”

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