Page 93 of Beast: Part One

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“What’s my middle name?”


Damn. Now I didn’t expect him to know that. I don’t have that posted on any social sites. I fire off my next few questions back-to-back.

“Favorite Food?”




“Favorite song?” I finally ask a question I know he won’t know. Mostly because it changes on the regular.

“Stevie Wonder, As.”

Okay, now this is a bit terrifying. My mouth hangs open trying to figure out how he knows so much about me.

His lips lift up into his usual smirk. “Did I pass?”

“How do you know all that about me?”

“I pay attention.”

He must have read the skepticism on my face. He shakes his head leaning his arms against the handle of the grocery cart.

“Getting your middle name and birthday was easy. It’s public records. Besides, I needed it to set the house and bank account up.” That made sense. I should have guessed that.

“What about my favorite food?” I ask putting my hands on my hips.

He smiles. “I figured it out the night we met. You mentioned not eating much but would never pass up tacos.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” I didn’t really forget, I just didn’t think he paid that much attention.

“Simple observation told me your favorite color,” he goes on to say. “Everything you own is some shade of green. Even your bedspread.”

“Alright, I’ll give you that.” I say holding my hands out in front of me. “But there is no way you guessed one of my all-time favorite songs.”

“You’ve been humming it all day. It even came on in the car and you turned it up. Like I said, I pay attention to you. I can also tell you that your favorite flowers are sunflowers. Your eyes went directly to them when we walked in the store.”

My mouth hangs open. Here is a man I’ve known for a total of five days, and he knows more about me than my family. Even Trina doesn’t know my favorite song or flower.

I ignore the tingling in my belly and the flutter in my chest. These symptoms are dangerous. And they are unwanted. When all this is over, Gabriel will disappear from our lives. I don’t need these feelings. So, I once again do what is common to me.

“You know what I think?” I ask, wiping the shock off my face.

He doesn’t respond, instead he cocks his brow for me to finish.

“I think you’re spying on me.”

He lets out a deep low laugh. I notice it isn’t as loud and carefree as Andrew’s. Gabriel’s mouth doesn’t even open, but it’s nice. It has the hairs on my arm standing up in attention and a warming feeling in my chest. I ignore the unusual responses.

“Do you have cameras in my house? That is a breach of privacy.”

He smirks, running his tongue over his bottom lip. Not seductively, I think he was just wetting his lips, yet it didn’t stop me from watching him.

“If I do,” he says. “Are you going to move out?”
