Page 91 of Beast: Part One

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“I think if it’s only for a few hours and you allow an adjustment period it should be okay. I think he will do well.”

She smiles at me. “Awesome. We can see how it goes over the next week and then I’ll schedule a conference to talk about it.”

“Sounds good.”

She waves before walking off leaving us alone. I watch as she disappears back amongst the crowd of students and parents.

“Sorry.” The sound of his gruff voice pulls me away from the school and toward him.

“We already talked about last night. You don’t have to keep apologizing.”

“Not about last night.”

Now I’m confused, and my brows pinch to show it.

“I’m sorry,” he goes on to say looking at a spot over my head. “For giving him my issues. I wouldn’t—”

I hold up a hand to curt off anything else he was going to say. He looks down at me.

“I’m going to stop you right there. The only reason I’m not going to curse your ass out right now, is because I know that bullshit is coming from a place of hurt and pain. But listen to me. There’s nothing wrong with my son. He’s not a burden, or a problem that you should apologize for.

“He’s not some kind of disease that you pass down. He’s a kid. A very kind, intelligent, and sweet kid. And yes, sometimes the world gets too loud and too overwhelming for him. And he has a hard time socializing with his peers or keeping eye contact, but that does not make him a burden or something that needs to be apologized for. And I’m sorry no one ever told you the same thing about yourself.” He looks away from me again.

I place my hand on his cheek to turn his gaze back to me. “Don’t ever apologize for giving me the greatest gift I could ever ask for. Do you understand.”

He nods. I let his face go. “Good, I have errands to run.”:

“You can drop me off at the house,”

I chuckle and start to walk back to the car. He follows.

“Sorry, I wasn’t clear the first time. We have errands to run.”

“I have stuff to do,” he argues as we stop at the car. He’s standing by the passenger door and I’m at the driver’s side.

“Not today. It’s part of the stipulations.”

He tilts his head to the side. “That wasn’t in the deal.”

I shrug. “It is now. If you’re going to stay around, you have to help me.”

This could backfire. I originally had no plans of spending time alone with Gabriel. This bonding thing had nothing to do with me and all about Gabe. However, as I stand here staring at him, the idea of being around him is starting to appeal to me.

He narrows his eyes, but I can tell he isn’t angry. The smirk on his face gives him away.

“What if I say no?”

“You won’t.” I call his bluff as I climb in the car. He joins me shortly.

“Where to first?” he grumbles.

I fight the smile on my face. Despite what happened last night, I had no fear of being around Gabriel. Don’t ask me why.

“You’ll see when we get there.”


I place the fresh broccoli in the plastic vegetable bag and tie it off before putting it in my cart.
