Page 86 of Beast: Part One

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“Tell me about the encounter.”

Curtis takes a deep breath, seeming to calm down even though his body shakes. “A few months ago, I got off work. It was late, around four in the morning. As soon as I got in my car a gun was pressed to the back of my head.

“The guy started asking me about that night. At first, I had no idea what he was talking about, until he mentioned it being the night that City Council guy went missing. He then showed me a picture of you. He asked if I remembered you and if you were here with anyone.”

“And what did you say?

“I told him that I didn’t remember you. I promise.”

I believe he didn’t rat me out, but now I want to know why. He had a gun pointed to the back of his head, yet he didn’t reveal anything.

“Why did you lie to him?”

His teeth chatter, showing signs his body is going into shock due to the shattered knee.

“Summer,” he stutters out.

I dig my short nails into the palm of my hand. I don’t like the way he says her name with familiarity.

“You knew she was a whore when you met her. Do not act appalled now.”

I ignore mother’s taunts in my head.

Before I can ask any other questions, Curtis continues speaking.

“Look, I don’t know you and don’t give a shit about you. But you were with her, and I’ve known Summer since we were in high school. She had some issues, but she’s good people. I didn’t know this guy or what he wanted, but I wasn’t about to get Summer involved.”

I dip my chin to my chest briefly. His kind words about Summer eases the fire in me a little.

“What did he look like?”

“I don’t know. I never got a look at him. But he had an accent, I don’t know where it’s from.”

Before he can finish his statement, I’m shaking my head. “I need more than that.”

“I don’t have anything else,” he whines as new tears fall down the side of his face. I once again give him time to get himself together. Finally, his brows dip as if he’s thinking of something.

“The tattoos,” he says to himself before turning to me. “When he showed me your picture, I got a view of the tattoos on his forearm. They were tally marks, and from the looks of them there were hundreds of them.”

It sounds like the benefactor was the one that asked him questions. Which means, at some point he was actively looking for me. It proves my point that whatever issue he has is with me. But why?

“Did he say anything else to you?”

“No, I swear. After I told him I knew nothing he climbed out of the car.”

Standing up straight, I roll my neck back and forth.

“I told you everything,” Curtis pleads. “Let me go. Take me to a hospital, I swear I won’t say anything to anyone.”

I believed him. He didn’t rat me out to the benefactor when he had a gun pressed to the back of his head.

“For I have not found thy works perfect before God. You have a job to do,” Mother demands inside my head. “You cannot trust man. Finish the job.”

Although he didn’t mention Summer to the benefactor, who is to say what he will admit if he’s pressured. I have to protect them.

I pick up the sledgehammer off the floor and raise it over my head.

“Please man.” Curtis pleads. “I won’t say anything, I swear. Don’t do this.”
