Page 83 of Beast: Part One

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“What’s got your panties all in a bunch?” Trina picks up her cup and takes a sip of the strawberry lemonade that is worth every single one of its calories.”

“Gabe’s father is back.”

Immediately she chokes on the lemonade she’d just sipped. She pats her chest as she coughs up a lung.

“What the fuck, Summer?” she shouts entirely too loud for our current location. Malia stops reading as all eyes turn to us.

“Sorry. She has a condition,” I say, apologizing to all the glaring faces.

Malia gets the kids’ attention back, and the parents go back to what they were doing.

“Keep your voice down.”

She waves me off. “When did he come back? What did he say? Is he trying to get you back? Have ya’ll fucked?”

I hold up a hand to stop her. “He came back two nights ago. He hasn’t said much, and no we haven’t had sex.”

Trina leans back in her seat and folds her arms over her chest.

“Then what the hell was the purpose? Did he just pop up after five years to say hey?”

Good question. I still have no idea why Gabriel showed up on that date. I mean I know why he’s here now. But why the date?

“He’s in town for a while. He has some business to handle and then he’s gone again.”

“Wait, what about G? He’s not sticking around to help raise my nephew?”

I take a sip of my drink. “He’s not really the father type.” I try to explain as best as I can.

I didn’t believe for one second that Gabriel couldn’t be a good father to Gabe. Yes, he has issues. I witnessed his demons firsthand. However, I also know that despite what Gabriel thinks, he has better control over them than he gives himself credit for.

“Who the fuck cares. Neither were we, but we figured it out.”

I had nothing to dispute that because she was a hundred percent correct. Trina and I made this parenting stuff work. I didn’t even know how to change a diaper when Gabe was born but she and I figured it out together. She truly took her role as godmother seriously.

“I agree. But I can’t force a man to stay if he doesn’t want to.”

At the end of the day, I didn’t hold any ill will toward Gabriel. He is doing the best he can with us.

“We made a deal, for as long as he’s here he will spend time with his son. That’s all I ask.” That’s as good as we were going to get.

Trina sits back in her seat, crossing one arm over her stomach as she props the other up under her chin. “And what about time with you?”

“What do you mean? I don’t need his time.”

She laughs as if I made the funniest joke in the world. “Let me get this right.” She leans forward placing her elbows on the table in front of her. “The man that fucked you so good in one night you haven’t been able to ride another dick in five years is back in town and you’re not going to even try for a repeat?”

My mouth opens but no words come out. From the outside looking in, it may seem like I haven’t had sex in five years because I was still hung up on Gabriel. But in reality, I was busy. He had absolutely nothing to do with my hiatus.

“Okay, Summer.” I ignore the sarcastic voice in my head that sounds a lot like Trina.

“First of all, he had nothing to do with my lack of a sex life.”

She rolls her eyes and sinks back into her seat.

“And second, I will not go down that road again with him. He and I are better off keeping it truly platonic.”

Trina shrugs. “Okay. Whatever you say Summer.”
