Page 73 of Beast: Part One

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“You okay, Hulk?” Gabe’s little voice asks.

“Yeah, Hulk is okay.”

Gabe dips his chin to his little chest. He tries to hand me the ball back over the fence but before I can take it from him, the back door slides open and Summer walks out. I quickly step further behind the trees obscuring her view of me even more. I once again get lost in the sight of her.

The urge to grab her and take her away last night had me seeing red. I stood outside of the restaurant watching her through the windows. When I saw that guy touch her arm, Mother roared up in my head so quickly I was inside the restaurant before I could stop myself.

I know she doesn’t want me around anymore, but I’m not sure I can share her yet. Maybe never.

“Gabe, time to come in, it’s getting dark.”

“Can Hulk come in too?” He asks.

She laughs, placing her hands on her hips. “Yes, Hulk can come in too. So can the rest of the Avengers.”

Gabe turns back to the place I was just standing with a huge smile. I quickly move further away. However, I don’t miss the way his smile drops.

“He’s gone,” he says, turning back to his mother.

“Maybe he had to go home too.”

Gabe looks back in the spot I was just standing, his shoulders fall before he turns to his mother and heads back to her. I watch them walk into the house and close the sliding door behind them.

I need to leave this place and never come back. Coming here every day will only make things worse.

Even after that declaration, I stay behind those trees staring at that house until the sun eventually does set, casting the backyard in darkness. Only the muted light from the moon along with the floodlights on the back of the house gives me a view of my surroundings.

I walk from the trees at the back of the house heading toward the front. My walk back to my apartment will take thirty minutes. It crosses my mind to find a place closer by. I quickly shove that thought away.

Stepping onto the curb near the front of Summer’s house I spot a gray four door car. It doesn’t look out of place. But, I spotted this exact same car the day I saw them at the park.

Walking over to the vehicle, I peer into the back window. It looks to be empty. I walk up to the driver’s side glancing through the window. I pause when I spot a gun on the passenger seat. Not just any gun, but a HK .45 with a suppressor.

My gaze goes immediately to Summer’s house. I take off for her front door, keeping to the shadows.

I stop at the evergreens by the side of the house keeping me blocked. A man in a pizza delivery uniform and a pizza warming bag in his hands walks up to the door.

He rings the bell and in seconds Summer appears.

“Hey,” he says. “Did you order the medium pepperoni pizza?”

“Pizza?” Gabe shouts excitedly as he appears at Summer’s side.

“Sorry,” Summer says rubbing the top of Gabe’s head. “I didn’t order pizza.”

“Are you sure? What’s your name?” he looks at the paper in his hand.

“Summer, and I’m positive.”

The man shakes his head. “I’m so sorry about that ma’am. I looked at the address wrong. It’s 415 not 514. You two have a good night.” The man backs away from the house as Summer shuts the front door.

The scene before me seemed normal. He’s a delivery driver, it would explain the need for the gun.

However, there is a niggling in the back of my mind that says something isn’t right.

“Hell no, something isn’t right. You know that, Kid.” Priest’s voice says in my head.

Before the pizza driver could make it back down the driveway, I quickly crawl into the back seat of his car and lay down. Within minutes, the front door opens, and he sits down tossing the bag into the back seat hitting me in the chest. Immediately, I notice the bag is too light. I lift the flap and stick my hand in. There is no pizza box inside.
