Page 66 of Beast: Part One

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“I will ask you only one more time. Who killed the cop?”

“I don’t know,” Jason shouts as spittle flies out of his mouth. He once again starts sobbing. “My Uncle handled the cop.” His head drops between his shoulders as tears and snot run down his face.

“My father tried to pay him off, but the cop didn’t want the money, he wanted justice. We tried to find dirt on him, but we couldn’t find any. So, my mother called her cousin who’s like an uncle to me. He told us not to worry. Next thing I knew the cop was dead. I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

I don’t explain to him that it didn’t matter that he didn’t directly call for the hit, he was the reason the cop was killed. It’s because of his crime against Tiffany, and his attempt to get away with it, that an innocent man died. He will have to face that sin once he meets his maker.

“What’s your uncle’s name.”

He lifts his head and looks at me before glancing at the wall.

“Timothy Aldean Smith.”

I had my next victim. I need to know how Tim was able to get the cop on a Church menu.

I nod my head at Jason. I no longer needed him.

“Will you let me go now, I promise I won’t say anything to anyone about this.”

“You must punish the wicked for their evil. Your job is not done.”

“As you wish, Mother,” I agree.

The red haze takes over me and it doesn’t let me go until early the next morning.

chapter Nineteen



“This is too short.” I say tugging at the hem of my black dress that comes to my knees.

“Girl, that dress damn near touches your ankles,” Trina says walking up behind me. She glances in the floor length mirror at our reflections.

“But it is missing something.” She taps her chin before walking away to look in my closet.

I take the time to study myself in the mirror. My long braids are pulled up into a bun at the top of my head. Trina did my make up. My foundation is light enough that you can still see my freckles. My eyes are lined with black liner giving them even more of a cat shape. The red on my lips make them stand out and look even fuller.

The black body con dress is modest with its crew neck collar and long sleeves. It fits my slim physique like a second skin even making my barely there hips seem prominent. The ankle boots add to the look.

I have to admit, for a first date I looked pretty darn good. Trina walks back over to me.

“Here, this will be perfect.”

She wraps a scarf around my neck making it resemble a cowl neck. I freeze at the appearance of the added fabric. It’s the scarf Gabriel bought me that night.

I’m tossed back down memory lane. His gorgeous green eyes staring down at me expectantly as he holds out the scarf for me. In my mind I take the time to once again memorize his face. Those old pale scars that cut into his brow and above his lip. His perfect white teeth and those full lips.

I shake the memory out of my head. Nothing good can come from those thoughts.

Turning back to the mirror, I once again admire the work Trina has done.

“What do you think, G?” Trina turns to ask Gabe who is sitting on my bed playing with his action figures.

He looks up at me and I turn to face him. He smiles and gives me two thumbs up.

“Oh, you got two thumbs up?” Trina jokes. “That’s hard to come by.” Gabe laughs and goes back to his toys.
