Page 45 of Beast: Part One

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I can almost feel his gaze on my wet center. I move his hands further up my body, stopping at my ribs. His grip tightens on me. For a moment, I start to wonder if I’ve taken him too far too fast. Wrapping my arms around the back of his neck, I bring our mouths together for another kiss. His tongue rolls against mine, pulling a soft moan from me.

This time, his hands stay on my body, and he rubs small circles against my skin with his thumbs.

“Gabe, I need you,” I say, breaking our kiss for only a moment as I reach between us to pull him out of his pants.

When my hand wraps around his girth and I bring him out feeling the tip bounce against my navel I stop and look down.

Holy fuck.

I have to admit, some of the enthusiasm wains when I see the size of him. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, he’s a big dude.

“We can stop,” he says getting my attention back on his face. “If you no longer want me, we can stop. I still won’t kill you.”

He might not have to kill me. By the time I finish impaling myself on his length I might be dead. Well, you only live once.

“I want this,” I say, before lifting up so that I can hover over the tip of his dick.

I’m so wet that it’s leaking down my thighs. Yet still, making room for him inside me feels like I’m remodeling my vagina. His grip on my side tightens even more, but I don’t complain. I have a feeling if I tell him he’s hurting me he will get triggered and stop.

“Fuck,” I moan when I realize there is an entire fist worth of him still not inside me. Yet it feels as if I’ve ran out of pussy for his dick. The dick to pussy ratio is clearly off.

Meanwhile, Gabe’s face is flushed red and the vein in his forehead is throbbing, but thankfully he remains still.

I take a deep breath and slowly work my hips in circles attempting to get lower on his pole. Finally, after some work, I’m seated fully in his lap. If I didn’t know any better, I would say this man is in my fucking cervix.

Slowly again, I roll my hips forward and then back whimpering at how full and good he feels inside me. I finally find a rhythm that works for me. I open my eyes, not knowing when I closed them, and stare at him. His focus isn’t on my face, but where our bodies connect.

Pulling the hoodie off and over my head, I drop it on the floor behind me. Gabriel’s gaze rakes over me with a hunger that has me feeling hot. I place my hands on his shoulders and continue to ride his massive erection. My moans fill the apartment along with his grunts of pleasure.

He whispers my name as if he’s worshipping at my altar. Too soon, his body stiffens, he tosses his head back, and a roar fills the room as he spills his seed inside me.

I won’t lie as if I’m not a little disappointed. This was over entirely too soon for me. I stop moving when he lifts his head to look at me. His nostrils flare as he heaves deep breaths. However, he doesn’t speak.

I go to climb off him. His grip on my side keeps me in place.

“You’re done. It’s okay.”

He shakes his head. “I’m not done.”

In an instant, he grows inside me stretching my walls once again. My eyes widen. Before I know anything, I’m lying with my back on the couch, Gabriel is between my legs. One hand is on the arm of the sofa over my head, and the other is at my hips. He draws back and then slides into me as deep as he can go.

I cry out his name at the beautiful ache. My toes curl up so tight they make a popping noise.

“Gabe.” Fuck me, he’s deep.

He stops moving immediately. “Am I doing this right?” he asks, his brow pinched in concern.

It takes a moment for his words to register. My gaze bounces all over his face.

“Wait, is this your first time?”

He nods. I drop my jaw. There is no way this fine ass man has not had sex before.

“My brothers,” he goes on to say. “They shared stories and showed me magazines.”

I don’t speak because my head is still trying to wrap around this being his first time. I don’t think I’m worthy enough to be taking anyone’s virginity.

“You will tell me if I hurt you, right?”
