Page 40 of Beast: Part One

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His henchmen climb in too, and the doors shut. I look out of the tinted windows as we pull away from the curb. Gabriel watches me while I stare back at him. We don’t look away from each other until I can no longer see him.

With a death grip on my thigh, Nic leans into my ear and whispers. “I’m going to make you choke on this dick before I put a bullet in your head.”

Ugh, I’d much rather he shoots me first.

chapter Twelve



Watching the black SUV pull away has my head spinning. My mind is working overtime. So many voices are speaking at once.

“Let her go. Let him kill the bitch,” Mother shouts. “She’s a worthless whore.”

“No, she’s not,” I say out loud.

“You’re going to let that shit slide, Kid?” Priest argues. “They disrespected you.”

“Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. She is no longer your problem,” Mother argues against Priest.

In the back of my mind something else stirs. Something I’ve kept hidden for years. Something that if anyone knew about, they would lock me away. I fight to keep that side of me tapped down.

“Control it, Boy. Don’t let the evil out,” Mother warns.

Clutching a hand to my head I try to quiet my head. I can’t think when everyone is talking at the same time.

“You don’t need to think,” Mother snarls. “Look at you, you’re weak. You think she wants you. You’re a shit stain upon this world. I should have aborted you the moment I found I was cursed to carry you—”

“Will you shut the fuck up!” This time, it isn’t Priest’s voice that appears in my head to respond to my mother. It’s Summer’s.

Shutting my eyes, I can almost see that playful smile on her face as she looks up at me. The way she bites into her bottom lip right before she says the most unusual thing. The way her eyes looked hooded as she stared at my lips only seconds before the SUV came.

Silence fills my thoughts. It’s only me in my head now. Dropping my hands down to my sides, I open my eyes.

My decision is made. Squatting down, I look in my black duffle. A few guns, a couple knives, some power tools, rope, and my night goggles are all that I have with me. This will do. Grabbing my laptop out of the bag, I pull up the tracker embedded inside the hoodie.

Lucien gave me the hoodie one year for a birthday gift. I found the tracker immediately. I never let on to him that I knew it was there.

At first, I hesitated giving Summer the sweatshirt. I didn’t think she would run anymore. Not when she was hellbent on making me befriend her so that I wouldn’t kill her. I caught on to the act when we were at the diner. However, if I’m being honest, the fear of her running wasn’t the reason I gave her the hoodie.

The laptop picks up on her location. The SUV stopped only a few blocks from here. I transfer the tracking information to my phone, place the laptop back in my bag and then take off running.

I found the black Tahoe at a blue house. It’s similar to Gambler’s place and I’d studied that layout for a week. As I near the house, the sound of loud music pours out of the home along with muffled shouting. I hop over the short fence at the back of the yard. There is a window on the side of the house and if I’m correct, it should give me a view into the living room.

I peek through the broken and bent blinds, finding there are no curtains to block my view. Four men are in the living room. They seem to be playing a video game. The volume is turned up so loud it sounds as if bombs are going off. Four TEC-9’s are on the coffee table in front of the three men.

Moving to the other side of the window gives me a view into the dining room. Two more men are at the table counting large stacks of money. Although I can’t get a clear view of the third man at the table, I know he’s there because his arm comes into view briefly.

Moving around to the back of the house, I search the area. A light on upstairs in one of the bedrooms leads me to believe that is where they are keeping Summer. Since I didn’t see the ex-boyfriend, I’m assuming he’s up there with her.

In the back yard is a wooden crate turned upside down. Picking up the worn crate, I yank off a few of the loose boards. Carrying the boards and my duffle over to the back door, I place the bag down along with the wood.

Searching through my bag, I pull out my power drill and some long nails. Checking the hinges of the back door, I make sure that it would open outward. Seeing that it does, I quickly drill the wood planks into the door and the frame. It won’t hold forever, but it will slow anyone down from going out the back.

Once I’ve put three planks into the door, I put my drill away and grab my duffle heading to the front of the house. Before hopping the fence again, I take out my preferred tools from my bag and then stash the bag on the side of the house.

“You got work to do, son,” Priest’s voice says in my head. “In and out, make it quick. This isn’t a job for your mother.”
